Industrial Pioneer (June 1923)

The June 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 2) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 17, 2017

Contents include:

-Smashing the chains of slavery by Vern Smith

-The ballad of Sandy McCole by Archie Sinclair

-What is industrial unionism? by Jacob Silbert

-The San Pedro strike by Art Shields

-Under the Iron Heel by R.F. Pettigrew

-The new migration: northward by Alois Sennefelder Jr.

-Poem: Escaped! by Ralph Chaplin

-For a mess of pottage by Henry Van Dorn

-Poem: The logic of today by Ragnar Redbeard

-The Marine Transport Industry by A Marine Worker

-Mr. Kyne joins the head-hitters by John Nicholas Beffel

-"R.U.R." by Rosa A. Knuuti

-On the San Pedro slave market by Fred R. Wedge

-Poem: Tribute to Ricardo Flores Magon by Mortimer Downing

-The electrification of American railroads by A Civil Engineer

-Book Review: "Negro Slavery"


-Poem: Leavenworth by A.E.

-The question box

-Poem: To labor by Charlotte P. Gilman

This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.

