The One Big Union Monthly (May 1938)

The May 1938 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, with articles on Work Peoples College and fascism in Russia. Contributors include John Hunter, Covington Hall, Ida Richards, Joseph Wagner, Mortimer Downing, A.B. Cobbs and Chas J. Miller.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on August 30, 2014

-Editorial: strikes
-Straws in the wind by Gefion
-Banker's island: a dramatization of the IWW leaflet "An instructive fable", prepared by Work Peoples College Drama Department
-Capitalism must go: an indictment of the present order prepared jointly by one of the classes at Work Peoples College
-Goetterdaemmerung by John Hunter
-Two poems by Covington Hall
-What is Americanism by Ida Richards
-The lost international by Joseph Wagner
-Workers are staked out cattle by Mortimer Downing
-A world of shams by A.B. Cobbs
-The feeble strength of one by The Gadfly
-The growth of fascism in Russia by Chas J. Miller
-The IWW shows the way

Taken from CDs of JPGs made by San Francisco Bay Area General Membership Branch of the IWW
CDs provided by Nate Hawthorne


OBUMmay1938.pdf (11.46 MB)
