June 1938 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, with articles on the Spanish Civil War and Work Peoples College. Contributors include A.B. Cobbs, Covington Hall, x372561, Art Hopkins, Jane Street, Chas. J. Miller, George Speed, Mortimer Downing and Gussie Perlman.

-On the right track
-Victory for Spain: a message to the proletarian and anti-fascist world from the union men and woman of Spain (CNT-FAI Bulletin)
-Judas was a piker by A.B. Cobbs
-Unskilled workers doomed by Covington Hall
-Farm workers and farm jobs by Card No. x372561
-The government of tomorrow by Art Hopkins
-Fellow Workers, hear me! by Covington Hall
-Jobites by Jane Street
-The growth of fascism in America by Chas. J. Miller
-Industrial Organization: an editorial from the Industrial Worker of June 26, 1926 by the late George Speed by George Speed
-Nut house news: a skit prepared by Work Peoples College Drama Department
-The end of leadership by ACMA
-Merry England by A. Martin
-Advice to the boys by Uncle Covamy
-Wage workers united by Mortimer Downing
-Letter: Butte again
-IWW: non-political labor union by A WPA Worker
-An ode to youth by Gussie Perlman
Taken from CDs of JPG scans created by San Francisco General Membership Branch of the IWW
CDs provided courtesy of Nate Hawthorne/Twin Cities IWW Archives