Direct Action (AFB) Vol 4 #02 April 1949 Including: May Day, anarchists on trial in Bulgaria, "redeployment" management slang decoded, miners vs Coal Board, Donald Rooum on anarchist…
Almost Famous: Unpaid Labour = Theft A Solidarity Federation Hospitality Workers' Union leaflet regarding a dispute with the owners of Almost Famous and Super Awesome Deluxe…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 33 - 8 November 1919) Including: Bordiga and the Italian Socialist Congress, Manifesto of the first Communist…
Czech anarchist on attack on him: 'I will not be intimidated' New text by Lukáš Borl about what happened on February 8th
Direct Action (AFB) Vol 3 #07 July 1948 Including: cold war, anti-semitism in eastern Europe, London and Liverpool dockers strike, the downfall of Tito, co-operative farming in Iowa,…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 32 - 1 November 1919) Including: Bologna socialist congress, Sylvia Pankhurst on defending the USSR, former IWW prisoner…
Direct Action (AFB) Vol 3 #06 June 1948 Including: USA strikewave, fascists in the UK, Palestine, "on direct action", the free commune, etc.
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 31 - 25 October 1919) Including: Annie Besant meeting on India at Albert Hall, public health in Russia, international news…
On the "Anti-Semitism of the Present (British) Government" Below is a memorandum by Edwin Montagu, the only Jewish British cabinet member of the time, setting…
The New Left: a case study in professional-managerial class radicalism - Barbara and John Ehrenreich The second part of the Ehrenreich's text on the professional managerial class…
Is Marxism Bankrupt? By the Hungarian Council Communist organization MBKSZ, this article talks about the so-called bankruptcy of marxism in context of the rise of…
What does the KAPD want? Very short article by the KAPD about what it and the AAU is and what it wants. Originally published in "KAZ, 1928, No. 66".