Buffalo Soldiers Freedom Force Buffalo Soldiers Freedom Force is an autonomous and insurrectionary group operating within the villages near the region Sagaing and Shwe Bo. As a…
Nameless Wilding - The John Clare Collective "...a brief overview of interventions in landscapes of industrial dereliction that can have revolutionary possibilities providing we more or less…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 47 - 14 February 1920) Including: Bolsheviks vs Czech soldiers in Siberia, Italian railway strike, Daily Herald is Labour…
Introduction to Anarchist Communism: Capitalism, Class, and the State: Wednesday, March 5th, 7pm. First of a series of Educationals on Anarchist Communism
Untitled text of Mortimo St George Planno, (6 September 1929 – 5 March 2006) Crucial text by leader of the movement of Ras Tafari Makonnen, unedited.
Self-Organization instead of Democratic Fools' Freedom Leaflet by the German Council Communist group "Unabhängigen Rätekommunisten" where they critique…
After there is no longer a Party Published under the subtitle "On the Critical Theory of Organization", this text by the Utopia Theorist Alexander Neupert-Doppler discusses the…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 46 - 7 February 1920) Including: Labour party and Russia, conditions of Russian soldiers in France, class struggle in…
The Fundamental Positions of Council Communism, a Contribution Short text by the Spanish Council Communist Roi Ferreiro discussing the basics of Council Communism.
The Poet Intervenes in Politics (1912) "We are unteachable about progress—it does not exist for us. We believe in the miracle, in the abrupt end to all that flows within us, in our…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 45 - 31 January 1920) Including: Supplement on the first meeting of the Third International in Europe, Claude McKay on the…