The March 1938 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, with articles on the Spanish Civil War, syndicalism in Western Europe, and Work Peoples College. Contributors include Raymond Galstad, Mortimer Downing, Joseph Wagner, T-Bone Slim, Ethel McDonald, Covington Hall, Fred Thompson and Gussie Perlman.

Fighting for Spanish freedom by Fellow Worker Raymond Galstad
Murk by The Gadfly
The historic mission of the IWW by Mortimer Downing
All honor to the communards!
Syndicalism will triumph in France by Joseph Wagner
Get a better boat, boys by T-Bone Slim
Revolutionary syndicalism in Britain by Ethel McDonald
Factful fables by Covington Hall
Meat for supper by Gefion
We... by Gefion
World war to create markets by IWW delegate 46-s-8
"Streamlined justice"... by John Lind
Birth of a song hit: a bit of history dug up at Work Peoples College
Rank-and-file rule: what it is, and what it isn't by Fred Thompson
Fan the flames of discontent by Gussie Perlman
Book reviews: Capital and labor in Italy by V.I.K.
Mr. Stockholder will be looking for a job when the world's workers organize right!
Taken from CDs of JPGs made by San Francisco Bay Area General Membership Branch of the IWW
CDs provided by Nate Hawthorne