The August 1938 issue of The One Big Union Monthly.], with articles on the Spanish Civil War, Work Peoples College, and the beginning of World War II. Contributors include Covington Hall, Eli Hill, Erland Hyttinen, Graham Robinson, Harry Monkkonen, Mary Marcy, Montana Slim, Raymond Galstad and Vera Smith.

-Reminiscences of Spain by Raymond Galstad
-Attack and counter attack by Eli Hill
-Class war strategy
-Work Peoples College by Vera Smith
-War is here by Erland Hyttinen
-Revolt of the brotherhood by Covington Hall
-Butte by Montana Slim
-The story of the sandhog by Harry Monkkonen
-Prayer to Lucifer by Covami
-Revolution with music by Bill Niemi
-Mary Marcy on the CIO
-Book reviews
-The gandy dancers by Graham Robinson
One Big Union Monthly (April 1938).pdf
(3.78 MB)
Enjoyed .... "Revolt of the
Enjoyed .... "Revolt of the brotherhood" by Covington Hall (need to read the second part).
And "The story of the sandhog" by Harry Monkkonen