The July 1924 (Vol. 2, No. 3) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 19, 2017

Contents include:

-Smoke wreaths and visions by James Lance

-The farmers and industry by John Hayhand

-"The dreaded yellow peril" by Sydney Weise

-Railroad work and railroad workers by Alonzo Walters

-The causes of unemployment by Justus Ebert

-Industrial unionism in building industry by Del. B4-11

-Childhood and the evil influence of capitalism by J.D. Carliph

-The new labor displacers by Joseph Ostrander

-The IWW at home and abroad

This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.



The January 1924 (Vol. 1, No. 9) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 12, 2017

Contents include:

-1924 is beginning by Edward Lloyd

-Vision of new day in California by Archie Sinclair

-California holds the key

-The potteries of England by Wilfred Braddock

-Economic background of KKK by Hubert Langerock

-Wonders of modern science

-The widow, poem

-Other people's kids

-What might have been by James Lance

-Scandinavia's labor movement

-Greatest I.W.W. convention

-Wall St. Wolves and the Wobs

This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


The February 1924 (Vol. 1, No. 10) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 12, 2017

Contents include:

-Three letters, full of war

-A migratory worker's diary by James Foy

-Europe: a new interpretation by Blair

-Why "red communism" failed by Neil Gordon

-An ex-service man's views

-The deportation mania: review

This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


The March 1924 (Vol. 1, No. 11) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 12, 2017

Contents include:

-The men of the lakes by James Lance

-Now that the storm is subsiding by Archie Sinclair

-The White Goods Girls' strike by Jennie D. Carliph

-General Construction workers campaign begins

-New Orleans costly scabs

-The Fords and billionairedom

-City labor vs. country labor

-French syndicalism in perilous condition by E. Mast

-What the movie photographed at Centralia, on Armistice Day, Nov. 11, 1919 by Ralph Chaplin

-Editorial: The death of Lenin; The rise of Ramsay McDonald

This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.



The April 1924 (Vol. 1, No. 12) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 12, 2017

Contents includes:

-Slavery exists in West Virginia by Edward Lloyd

-The immigrant and his home ties by C-4-226

-The negro: a subject race by Vern Smith

-Women and the IWW

-Crossing the Mason-Dixon line

-Lenin: toiler and dreamer by John Ashburn

-Large scale mining makes robots

-The abolitionists and the IWW by A Columbia River Rebel

-Ku Klux Klan tries intimidation by Harry Fisher

This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.



The May 1924 (Vol. 2, No. 1) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 12, 2017

Contents include:

-May Day song by Ralph Chaplin

-International labor day

-No.744 missing in action by Eugene Barnett

-"Oh, for the life of a sailor!" by Publicity Committee, New Orleans Branch MTW of IWW

-The meaning of revolution by Archie Sinclair

-Labor under industrialized agriculture by James Lance

-A worker's wanderings, from Italy to South America by John Ashburn

-Rebel girls help the fight for solidarity by E.L.

-Hellish conditions in Eastern Kentucky by Alonzo Walters

-Learning from Henry Ford by J.E. and J.D.C.

-Their voices shall be heard though they speak in Spanish

This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.



The June 1924 (Vol. 2, No. 2) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 19, 2017

Contents include:

-The political earthquakes by Neil Gordon

-The late Hugo Stinnes; Germany's real Kaiser

-Is industry slowing down? by Fred W. Bowerman

-IWW comes back in New England

-From the hell of wage slavery to industrial heaven by Pasquale Russo

-The land of sunshine and serfdom by Californian

-The efficiency of capitalism by J.A. MacDonald

-The crimes of capital by Frank Myers

-Brief editorials: A hold up; Undone by superwisdom; The pacifist outburst; The Farmer-Labor Convention

-A message to the IWW by Covington Ami

This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.

