Politics (December 1946)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on June 3, 2017

Cover (pag. 369)
Weil, Simone. Factory work; with a postscript by the Editor (pagg. 369-377)
Delecourt, Jean (Gelo); Delecourt, Andrée (Andrea). French letter, the november elections (pagg. 378-380)
Woodcock, George. London letter (pagg. 380-382)
Tucci, Niccolò. Commonnonsense (pagg. 382-383)
Office of facts and figures (pag. 383)
Woodcock, George. George Orwell, 19th century liberal (pagg. 384-388)
Padmore, George. The story of Viet Nam (pagg. 388-390)
Goodman, Paul. The social format. City crowds (pagg. 390-391)
Macdonald, Dwight. The social format. Too big (pagg. 391-392)
Meyer, Peter. Popular Culture. The russian writer's dilemma (pagg. 392-393)
White, Theodore. Popular Culture. Social significance of eggs on end (pagg. 394-395)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. Our threatened values; Politics and ethics; Science, liberty and peace (pagg. 395-396)
Peck, James. The amnesty campaign (pagg. 396-397)
Dryden, Theodore. Periodicals (pag. 397)
The intelligence office (pagg. 398-399)
Serge, Victor. The intelligence office. Soviet culture: Mandelstam (pag. 398)
Delecourt, Jean (Gelo); Delecourt, Andrée (Andrea). New roads in Politics. Discussion (pag. 399)
Finch, Roy. New roads in Politics. Discussion (pagg. 399-400)
Macdonald, Dwight. "Partisan Review" and "politics" (pagg. 400-403)
Macdonald, Dwight. The great coal strike. The man from Marx interviews the editor (pagg. 404-407)

