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Submitted by Qwoke on June 30, 2019

Question 4 on Episode 4 of Anarcho Agony Aunts

''Not very sure if this is an appropriate question, but here we go: i feel like I have a through understanding how to eat pussy - I know the internal and external anatomy, how to stimulate it, how to adapt to different partners' preferences - but I only have a naïve grounding in what to do with boobs, just stuff that has worked in the past. Do you have any advice from a boob-owner's perspective to help ground What To Do With Titties in a rigorous theoretical framework?''

The show was live-streamed on Twitter on 04/03/2019 here:

Submit your questions anonymously here:

Anarcho Agony Aunts is a sex and dating advice show, covered from a feminist, antifascist, anarchist perspective.

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