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Question 2 on Episode 5 of Anarcho Agony Aunts
''Stumbled across the channel and I love it! Your topics and discussions really speak to me and I can relate on everything you say :D Hopefully I can catch up on the old ones sometime soon.
If you don't mind another topic request I would like to get you opinions on mgtow. sorry if im being a little more formal right now!! but this is kinda serious and I would love your views :)
okay some backstory...
My boyfriend has started saying thing like "take women’s rights away" after listening to people like Turdflingingmonkey and sandman... over the last month he has completely changed! no matter what I say he keeps on listening to these people and they are here on youtube! Should I keep trying to talk to him about this? Should I tell somebody? should I just dump him?
Thanks for reading all that! haha! :P I know I can write a block of text sometimes so | should stop soon. Any advice would be great :)''
The show was live-streamed on Twitter on 24/04/2019 here:
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Anarcho Agony Aunts is a sex and dating advice show, covered from a feminist, antifascist, anarchist perspective.
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