Issue #26 of Direct Action, with articles on miners in prison after the strike, planned Europe-wide cuts in the coal industry, abortion and scientific research, a report from a Bolton DAM meeting addressed by a formerly imprisoned miner, racism, industrial news including a strike at Golden Wonder crisps and the Windsor Castle pub in Liverpool, the history and present of the IWW, opposition to nuclear power in Italy, the Fowler review of the benefits system and welfare cuts, football violence, a continued debate about the "Future is Ours" article from issue 21, and more.
Direct Action #26 (July 1985)

DA 26.pdf
(17.67 MB)
The mention of a "Strike at
The mention of a "Strike at Windsor Castle" in this one really threw me until I realised it referred to a pub in Liverpool and not a little-known outbreak of militancy among royal servants.