Final issue of this anarcho-syndicalist magazine published by the Solidarity Federation.

Submitted by Fozzie on October 5, 2022


  • editorial: Savage Cuts in Spending - Realities and Possibilities
  • Hugging Bankers - the rehabilitation of thieves and their narrow self-interest
  • Tilting at Windmils - the Vestas workers’ occupation, climate change and class struggle
  • Scabs Are Rubbish - Leeds bin workers on strike against pay cuts
  • Bridging the Great Divide - fan power is challenging football’s growing gulf in class
  • The Last Bastion of Ageism - the appalling state of care for older people in Britain
  • Grey Power! - resistance and organistion by older people
  • The Drug Laws ain’t Working - how prohibition stimulates a whole range of social problems
  • (Not Just) Opposing the British National Party
  • Community Unions: Two Birds with One Stone - an anarcho-syndicalist view on community organising
  • Autonomy and Solidarity - interview with the Goldsmiths College-based anarchist group
  • have your say:
    Capitalism Kills 1
    The Corner House
    Capitalism Kills
  • international:
    Serbia - Free Our Comrades
    Ireland - Rising Class Tensions
    Spain - Boicot!
  • reviews:
    Past Tense - A Post-Fordist Struggle
    Weekly SchNEWS
    Jim Stanford - Economics for Everyone
    Tripp York - Living on Hope while Living in Babylon
    Michael Schmidt & Lucien Van der Walt - Black Flame
    Lewis H. Mates - The Spanish Civil War & the British Left
  • closer loolc. Creating a Culture of Class Consciousnes and Resistance in the Workplace
  • DA resources: Solidarity Federation booklets / contacts / information / friends & neighbours

