London Mayday Monopoly game guide 2001 Booklet produced for May Day 2001, which combines radical history and information on potential locations of interest to anti-capitalists.
SchNEWS of the world 2002 SchNEWS anthology of issues 301-350 plus articles, cartoons, photos, graphics, satire, and contacts. The temperature goes up a few notches as the…
SchNEWS/Squall Yearbook 2001 Anthology of SchNEWS newsletters and Squall articles from 2000-2001: The Zapatistas march into Mexico City, thousands disrupt the World Bank…
SchQUALL Annual 1999/2000 Genetically modified crops get trashed, animal rights, freemasons, June 18th '99 international day of action against capitalism, Exodus…
2002 PDF archive of issues of SchNEWS from 2002. "'As the Forces of Darkness gather for a new attack on Iraq, they're shaken by an unexpected explosion of resistance. US airbases are invaded;…