Galloway wins Bradford West By-Election

Submitted by Django on March 30, 2012

Bit of a shocker, I'd forgotten he was even standing. "The Bradford Spring", according to Gorgeous George.

Looks like a repeat of Bethnal Green - very communal politics. He went to great lengths to show he's not a drinker, apparently.

Guardian think he's a "fundamentalist" for wanting troops out of Afghanistan though, lol.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by bulmer on March 30, 2012

Shit MP. Spends too much time trying to be a public figure, talking in the media, getting photos taken, travelling to other countries etc to do any sort of job as a politician.

Not that I approve of the Parliamentary system in the first place, might I add :roll:


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by BlackFlag on March 30, 2012

Galloway's a fucking awful human being. Stalinist, misogynist, careerist, pro-life, sceptical of evolution in favour of creationism, directly supports Islamic fundamentalism (he donated £25,000 to Hamas and supported Ahmadinejad's presidential campaign in Iran). The Left are having a field day because he's anti-austerity, but he's not a socialist, however much he claims to be. Electing an anti-austerity MP is not going to combat austerity anyway. That has to be done through grassroots self-organisation of the working class. Galloway is just as bad as any other politician.

And as bulmer said, the parliamentary system is crap anyway ;)


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on March 30, 2012

He's grown a beard and announced his victory thusly:

"By the grace of God, we have won the most sensational victory in British political history".

Allahu akbar! :roll:


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by BlackFlag on March 30, 2012


He's grown a beard and announced his victory thusly:

"By the grace of God, we have won the most sensational victory in British political history".

Allahu akbar! :roll:

Haha! Brilliant :lol:


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Django on March 30, 2012

He had the beard when he was on Big Brother, and he's Catholic, though he's been milking it more and more to draw lines between his reactionary views and those of Muslim "community leaders".

Creationist though? Google couldn't give me anything other hostile interviews and arguments with creationists.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by BlackFlag on March 30, 2012

He said something in the past about how when he looked at his 6-month old child he refused to believe it was purely down to evolution that his child could be so beautiful and that there must have been a creator. Something like that anyway. I lose track of half the bollocks that falls out of his mouth.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on March 30, 2012

Should also be noted that, presumably due to tickbox politics, Cameron decided to put a white woman in as the Tory candidate (if you're going to lose the seat, may as well get your women candidates quota up, right?*). Consequently the Asian Tory vote (originally built up by the sulphurous Mohammed Riaz) collapsed from its 12 - 14 K avg in all the elections since 1997 (during which time the Tory candidate has been a succession of Pakistani-origin Muslim males), down to 2 K. The reporting of "a drop of 22.78%" doesn't make it clear that this is in absolute terms, not relative. i.e. Whiteley lost 3/4 of the Tory vote to Gorgeous George. A bigger swing, both relatively and absolutely, than defected from Labour for him. In other words, the majority of his electorate are right-wing Muslim Tories. Hardly an "anti-austerity" vote.

* also speaks to the same general ignorance/contempt for working class communities in general and Northern ones in particular, that "Pastygate" signaled.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Havaan on March 30, 2012

It makes shit difference in the end, it's funny to see centre-left pundits whine and their tears have lightened up my morning.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Havaan on March 30, 2012

plus he won by a won huge margin so there's enough tears for all.

the button

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by the button on March 30, 2012

Surprised he didn't change his name to Gallahway, tbh.

the button

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by the button on March 30, 2012

:eek: :D


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on March 30, 2012

@Havaan. No I totally agree. Galloway will do no different (i.e. nothing) than if he had been elected by a majority of folks primarily motivated by anger about austerity. But it's a handy smack-down to have to any swappie (or other) idiot that tries to present this as something like "the fightback against austerity has begun".


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Havaan on March 30, 2012

@ocelot If this is the fightback, it's lost.

Bob Savage

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Bob Savage on March 30, 2012

I heard that he refered to executed homosexuals in Iran as 'paedophiles'. Now there's a left-winger we can ALL be proud of...


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Arbeiten on March 30, 2012

@the button's picture. What the fuck! Literally in two sentences accuses labour of being 'sectarian' in a multi-faith constituency then in the next talks about what God KNOWS. I can't believe anyone reading that could have without being sick on themselves


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on March 30, 2012

That non-sectarian campaign in full:

Car horns honked to celebrate his arrival at the campaign HQ in Grattan Road, and Galloway climbed on top of a grey car and was handed a megaphone to preach to the assembled faithful. "All praise to Allah," he yelled, to jubilant cries of "Allah, Allah".


cue EDL press release, no doubt...


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on March 30, 2012

pan-arabic nationalism has a voice in the Commons again


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on March 30, 2012


He had the beard when he was on Big Brother, and he's Catholic, though he's been milking it more and more to draw lines between his reactionary views and those of Muslim "community leaders".

Creationist though? Google couldn't give me anything other hostile interviews and arguments with creationists.

generally, catholics aren't creationists, only the most nutty ones like Santorum are, the catholic church has no problems with evolutionary theories


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on March 30, 2012

“I was looking at my little six month old baby today beginning to take his first steps crawling across the hall of the Methodist Central Hall today, and it doesn’t look like an accident to me. He doesn’t look like an accident of evolutionary chance to me. I’m not really prepared to believe that from the bottom-dwelling slugs of the pond came the voice of Pavarotti. I’m not really prepared to believe that Albert Einstein and a spider are really the same thing, that they just took a different evolutionary path.”

My impression from the above article is that his POV is pretty much the standard Catholic one - acceptance of (most) evolutionary theory but with the proviso that human evolution is a special case directed by God.

Bob Savage

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Bob Savage on March 30, 2012

The fact that human babies take six months to start crawling should be a pretty damning indictment of god then...

Rob Ray

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Rob Ray on March 30, 2012

God: Ookay let's take a look at these humans then. So we want to make them like angels, yeah? Hmm...

[after some tinkering]

Alright guys, K angels were a bit overpowered so I've nerfed their specs. I've given them well-developed brains but poor self-control, bad memories and very limited long-term planning abilities. I took the wings out and made them a bit shit at running, really inefficient at swimming, second-rate insulation or cooling systems and they'll take about two decades to get up to full strength (which will still compare VERY badly to most other apex predators). They can't survive much outside 1G gravity and are susceptible to pretty much every virus and bacteria going. Ooh ooh also, I'm going to lumber them with a book of totally self-contradictory hokum called the Bible.

This is gonna be hilarious.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on March 30, 2012

Black Flag wrote:
directly supports Islamic fundamentalism (he donated £25,000 to Hamas

Evidence please?

Django wrote:
Guardian think he's a "fundamentalist" for wanting troops out of Afghanistan though, lol.

They also described his muslim voters as 'immigrants' which was a bit sinister. The Guardian's introduction originally read:

'It appeared that the seat's Muslim immigrant community had decamped from Labour en masse to Galloway's fundamentalist call for an immediate British troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and a fightback against the job crisis'.

Rob Ray

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Rob Ray on March 30, 2012

Second one ain't me.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by BlackFlag on March 30, 2012


Black Flag wrote:
directly supports Islamic fundamentalism (he donated £25,000 to Hamas

Evidence please?

I'll look up the evidence in a bit but Galloway himself admitted to doing it, he just claimed it was for 'aid' (even though it went directly to Hamas). He was banned from entering Canada because of it.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on March 30, 2012

UK Member of Parliament George Galloway has received a Palestinian passport from a Hamas leader in Gaza.
The passport was given in "deep appreciation" for his support for the Palestinians and their cause.
Mr Galloway was part of a convoy which delivered financial and material assistance to Gaza through the Rafah crossing with Egypt on Wednesday.
The aid convoy was organised by the Viva Palestina group and supported by Mr Galloway.
He personally donated £25,000 and a fleet of vehicles. The group visited sites which had been hit during the three-week offensive.

Not wanting to stand up for the guy but I'm not sure it's that big a deal really; he's a politician after all, meeting with and giving aid to governments and resistance movements is hardly unusual all told. Admittedly this was his own money but still.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on March 30, 2012

Have y'all seen this?

The protestor who "egged" George Galloway said he "wanted to insult" the newly elected Bradford MP.

Thomas Johnson said: "Why would any city want a politician who got kicked out of two constituencies? Who hasn't got the common sense not to act like a submissive cat on TV? I wanted to insult him."

Mr Johnson shouted: "He's a sycophant, he's a greedy leech, he's a parasite on this city."



12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Harrison on March 30, 2012

How the fuck did this happen!!!!??!!
I thought everyone knew Galloway is a nob


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on March 30, 2012

Not exactly. Everybody knows that he is universally loathed by the establishment, the TV news, all the newspapers, etc. Because a lot of people are alienated from them, that tends to give yer man far more credibility to the naive than he deserves - kinda like Nick Griffin. With the difference that Galloway is actually a hell of a lot smarter than Griffin and able to beat most establishment politicians in open debate. Add to that, his consistent support for the "Muslim side" (sic) in Kashmir, Iraq, Palestine, etc, etc, make him an attractive proposition to young alienated British Asians, particularly (but not exclusively!) to those from a Muslim background. On the surface he looks like a sincere critic of British imperialism. Of course it's obvious to anyone with political experience that he's just a one-man racket, but that experience comes from what is currently a very, very minority pursuit that most people don't have any background in. Also to a degree you are talking about a break from the corrupt quasi-colonial communal politics game that both Labour and the Tories have been playing in Bradford for nearly 20 years.

A common theme on the stump was frustration at clan politics in Bradford, known by the Urdu word Bradree or Biradiri, meaning brotherhood or family, which here has become a byword for exclusivity.

Many felt that too many important decisions were taken in Bradford by a small number of Pakistanis who came from Mirpur, a small town in Kashmir, who had carved up the most important Labour party positions between them over the years.

The Labour candidate in the byelection seemed to many to fit exactly into that mould. Imran Hussain, a 34-year-old barrister from Bradford with Mirpur heritage, was following in his father's footsteps when he became involved in the local Labour party, rising two years ago to become deputy leader of the city council.


For once the journalist is not entirely wrong. It would take longer to go through the whole sorry tale, but anyway... But it's not just about that segment of the electorate, which at 38% is still a minority, it's also to do with people's more canny estimation of what kind of rep can get the goods, now matter how bent they are. If you think that all politicians are shameless egotists, only in it for themselves, but you still have an interest in having a rep in the area who can create a stir when necessary - who would you prefer, some faceless, milk and water party machine drone who couldn't win a debate at a Church of England synod, never mind against the number 10 attack team, or a skilled gobshite rabble-rouser like Galloway, no matter what a venal, amoral, self-serving turd he is? Working class people put their money on dogs, horses, prizefighters and footballers every day without worrying about their morals. It's not that different, it's certainly not necessarily the evidence that people are mugs that you seem to think it is.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on March 31, 2012

In an interview with the Moroccan weekly La Gazette du Maroc, Galloway underlined that he advocates a "peaceful settlement" to the Sahara issue in order to "open the way for a real large Arab Maghreb."

"I am for Morocco's position (on the Sahara issue), and I always have been," he said, stressing he is against "the balkanisation of the Arab region."

Mr. Jolly

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Mr. Jolly on March 31, 2012


Also to a degree you are talking about a break from the corrupt quasi-colonial communal politics game that both Labour and the Tories have been playing in Bradford for nearly 20 years.

Are we? It seems to me that the 'balkanisation' of Bradford along cultural and religious lines is exatly the reason why Galloway and the shower of shit Respect can insert itself into that situation and play on it. Letters to particular asian communities (Islamic and Pakistani) about God and his halal behaviour as opposed to the Labour opponent (suggesting he is a drinker) play on these sectarianisms, not somehow an alternative or more inclusive agenda.

He did a similar thing with Oona King in Bethnal and Bow, criticising her for her support for the war in Iraq(correct), but then playing on anti-semetism in the fact that her mother was Jewish (== Isareal). I really see no difference between the multicultural games that the BNP/EDL play and Respect and George Galloway play.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by martinh on March 31, 2012

Galloway 's certainly no socialist, or even a consistent anti-imperialist as the quotes about Morocco's occupation of Western Sahara shows.
It looks like he also took votes directly from the Tories, whose vote slumped. I think this result can only be understood in terms of communalist politics. In previous elections the Tories had put up a conservative muslim. In this one it was a white woman; Galloway has made it clear he shares the same politics as a lot of small c conservative muslims - anti-drink, anti-abortion, he only looks progressive to some because he talks about jobs and pulling out of wars. This position is not unique to people on the left - the libertarian right in the US are also consistently anti-war.
And he is certainly not a grey career politician, though I'm not keen on career politicians who are more colourful.



12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on April 1, 2012

Galloway certainly never met a (non-Anglo American) power hierarchy he didn't like. In that sense he is a classic populist in that his public discourse is aimed at appealing to "the common man", i.e. the people at the bottom of the social power hierarchy, whereas his actual networking and deal-making practice is aimed at the top of those same hierarchies. I've no doubt that little time will be lost since his election to open negotiations with same Mirpuri mafia that his Pakistani-origin supporters were hoping he would be a break from. And as for those people who backed this particular horse in the hope that at least he'd make a loud-mouth advocate for Bradford West, they will likely find out this particular runner is a nag. If past record is anything to go on, he'll be spending more time jetting around the middle east shmoozing dictators. Although last year's Arab Spring winnowed out a few of the older and less flexible incumbents, if the Muslim Brotherhood manage to get the Egyptian Presidency, look out for some classic displays of Galloway toadying and sycophancy in Cairo. Bradford West is basically just too damn poor to keep someone with George's tastes and outgoings hanging around there much of the time.

Mr. Jolly

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Mr. Jolly on April 3, 2012

Caroline Swords Chair of tower hamlets Respect, is she a real full blown anti-semite or just a bit thick? Her latest post FB that has had many thumbs up links to an article that conclusion is to watch the videos of a rather repugnant little American anti-semite. If she is that brazen online, what the hell is she talking about offline?

"Watch a brilliant video here which explains how sectarian pro Israel politics work in the United States to see how it is the very similar here in the U.K. by Brother Nathaniel of the Nathaniel Foundation."


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by GBF23 on April 3, 2012

Head line from the great ones weekly self love fest in the daily record-

Bradford1893:Keir Hardie founds the Labour Party.

Bradford2012:My victory is rebirth of REAL Labour.

you have to say the Man is nothing if not modest. :eek:


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Rory on April 3, 2012

Galloway is just an egotistical brute tbh, I agree with some of what he says but a lot of that I think he probably only says cause it gets him attention.

what made me laugh on the night of the by election though was some of my friends from Uni who are in the SWP celebrating his victory as a moment of significant change in class conciousness :lol:


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on April 3, 2012


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by rooieravotr on April 3, 2012

When I read all this, I think that it is fully justified to dismiss Galloway as just an opportunist politician (some of the things I knew already, some of the more horrible things are new for me, and I thank contributors for enlightening me), out to gain electoral power. But I think we tend to confuse what Galloway stands for with what people try to express by voting for him. Galloway offers no solution whatsoever - no politician does -, and does not deserve support. But many of the people supporting for him do that for perfectly sensible reasons: opposition to wars and racism, anger because of austerity, disgust for the rest of the political establishment. THese people deserve to be taken seriously.

The election does not raise class consciousness or something like that. But it can justifiably be seen as expressing attidudes that, while finding a useless expression in support for Galloway, are themselves not at all bad as such. Endlessly explaining how horrible he is does not address the reasons why people support him. And unless and until people find better ways to express these things, they will continue voting for people like Galloway as the occasion occurs.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on April 4, 2012

Did anyone see last night's Newsnight? I rarely watch it, but I like how the establishment bubble all got around to discuss how Bradford ended up voting for the 'wrong' person and what the solution is, the whole thing was so blatantly partisan. And they don't have a clue between them beyond 'ooh they're disillusioned' and something about overcentralisation. You had the liberal intelligentsia in Will Self; the Oxbridge sheep in wolf's clothing Jeremy Paxman (who when someone decent comes along, i.e. Tommy Robinson or Galloway, is humbled and exposed for the rubbish he is), the Tory gent and the faux-opposition in Diane Abbott absolving Labour's very active role in de-industrialisation, introducing/ raising tuition fees, austerity, etc. and blaming everything on those EVIL TORIES!!11!

It comes to something when even social democracy/ old school conservatism seems radical.

Melancholy of …

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Melancholy of … on April 4, 2012

I agree w/ rooieravotr in this thread, nothing to add.

And wojtek, did you really call Tommy Robinson "someone decent"? I agree Paxman just brought him to the show so he could humiliate him, but they both looked (and are) idiots that evening. Tommy Robinson, someone decent? Really?

Mr. Jolly

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Mr. Jolly on April 4, 2012

Jeremy Paxman (who when someone decent comes along, i.e. Tommy Robinson or Galloway, is humbled and exposed for the rubbish he is)

While I applaud mentioning Galloway and Robinson in the same breath, their politics playing with sectarianism and various religious and middle eastern motifs to garner support is exemplary.


The BBC (and UK media in general) rubbishes anyone that is not part of the political mainstream, Left or RIght. I am loathed to say its a class issue though, think Farange and Cyclops. But their discourse is oxbridge and whiggish.

Thought they were over generous to Galloway tbh.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Arbeiten on April 4, 2012

I hope wojtek calling Robinson a decent person was a typo or a moment of madness. The man is poison.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by flaneur on April 4, 2012

I took it to mean someone decent at debating. Calm down.

Mr. Jolly

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Mr. Jolly on April 4, 2012


I took it to mean someone decent at debating. Calm down.

Galloway is a great orator, a firebrand, the best in UK politics, but he's not a brilliant debater. And Lennon is neither. If you mean someone who would be great to have a well informed debate with then yes Paxman is shit. He seems to put little effort into any research just scans the interweb about what other people are saying and use that. A bit like me.

Mr. Jolly

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Mr. Jolly on April 4, 2012


I took it to mean someone decent at debating. Calm down.

Actually I reread it and yes, correct sorry Wojtek


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on April 4, 2012

Re the Media Lens article. Fair enough as it goes, but when they take umbrage with Sunny Hundal for tweeting

I don't want any part of a left that supports dictators thanks.

Then they take him to task for being a hypocrite for supporting Obama when the latter gives money and arms to dictators. Which is fair enough, but doesn't really answer the challenge from those of us who don't support Obama, Blair or any other of the "Bombs you can believe in" crowd of 'liberal' interventionists. Which kind of reinforces the point that the cosy bi-partisan, or tri-partisan (I quite liked his joke about the tri-partisan consensus between tories, libdems and labour, that if an arse had 3 cheeks then it's sat in the House of Commons, on both sides) consensus with the media elite, that Galloway is a "wrong 'un" is possibly his greatest asset. Add to that that he has sufficient skills to make Paxman and Self look like the sulky public school dullards they really are, and he is capable of producing public performances that will only help reinforce his supporters belief that they have elected someone different who can really "speak truth to power". Of course in reality it all depends which particular powers we are talking about...

I think rooieravotr's point is well made. But I think there is a deeper lack behind it, in some ways.

I think there's a tendency to confuse animosity with critique in the way anarchists react to trends or movements in electoral politics. Because we (rightly imo) see electoralism as a whole as having no positive role to play in the recomposition of the class, quite the opposite*, we tend to dump all phenomena into a catch-all "bad stuff we disapprove of" category, followed with a healthy dose of ritual slagging. But antipathy does not really cover up the fact that an undifferentiated catch-all dismissal is essentially an incapacity to analyse, critique or explain anything in that category.

After all, if Galloway really is simply a money and power loving egotist, surely he would have done better to climb the Labour party greasy pole, become Blair's Minister for War and then retire into lucrative non-executive directorships with BAE and other arms companies and indulge his tastes for Middle East travel (and women) in the course of jetting around selling jet fighters to the local despots?

The problem is that if we start by saying that all politicians essentially are ideology-free corrupt egotists - in some weird echo of neoclassical economists rational profit-maximising agents - then we lose any ability to say something insightful about why Galloway's career path has diverged so widely from those of other Labour politicians.

* Comes under "Sterile and harmful action is whatever reinforces the passivity of the masses, their apathy, their cynicism, their differentiation through hierarchy, their alienation, their reliance on others to do things for them and the degree to which they can therefore be manipulated by others - even by those allegedly acting on their behalf."


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by soc on April 4, 2012


The problem is that if we start by saying that all politicians essentially are ideology-free corrupt egotists - in some weird echo of neoclassical economists rational profit-maximising agents - then we lose any ability to say something insightful about why Galloway's career path has diverged so widely from those of other Labour politicians.

Well, I am for one, tempted to say that "all politicians essentially are ideology-free corrupt egoist" because their majority fits in this category, whenever I look at the mainstream politics. There are exceptions of course, but there could be some considerations how inner fighting in a party works out. I mean, you know as well as me, that not everybody in Labour or in other party ends up in the position which you described above. In fact, sometimes it makes much sense to depart from the main party line in order to get to where these liars want. Principles are the result of how one can make use of the surrounding communities, as you can see the born-again Christian politicians. There are just too many examples for this. As my personal favourite, the current PM of Hungary at the time of the "transition" represented the hard-liberal line of keeping the Churches away from budget, today he is a sacral Christian in whom the Churches found their best supporter (passing large number of council schools to the hands of all sorts of Christian churches, with idea of "moral education"). So I would say yes, the overwhelming majority of politicians are devout egoist, and if the neo-classical economy agent is true anywhere it is the representative politics.

This is not to say, that it doesn't worth to look in to this politics to analyse how the world is going today if we want to change anything any time soon.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by no1 on April 4, 2012


After all, if Galloway really is simply a money and power loving egotist, surely he would have done better to climb the Labour party greasy pole, become Blair's Minister for War and then retire into lucrative non-executive directorships with BAE and other arms companies and indulge his tastes for Middle East travel (and women) in the course of jetting around selling jet fighters to the local despots?

The thing is Galloway loves his ego more than he loves money and power, and to survive in the labour party you have to be incredibly dull and submissive - there's simply not enough space in the Labour party for someone with this big an ego.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on April 4, 2012

So is politics to be reduced to individual psychology? Was Alan Bullock right after all?

It just seems to me that if all we can do is condemn Galloway for the same political/moral failings we would condemn any of the other candidates with, should they have won instead, then really what we are saying is that we have no theory of politics. It doesn't necessarily mean that we might not have value theory, a theory of exploitation and capitalism's systemic contradictions, etc, but it does mean that. Some people may say that if we have useable theories for all those things, then what do we need a theory of politics for? I'm not so convinced.

I don't think the bourgeois mainstream has a theory of politics either. Their approach is to examine policy declarations to see where people and movements are to be placed on their rather unimaginative political spectrum. The orthos, like the Trots, originally believed that political parties mapped onto the different classes in society. They don't practically use this anymore in most cases (except for rhetorically) so they too, tend to fall into policy critique, by default.

At least the rejection of policy comparison as being the most significant determination, is a break from that. But only in the negative. People feel that somehow the BNP are different from the Tories or Lib-dems in a way that isn't captured by comparing their policy manifestos, but I've yet to see that properly theorised. Similarly Galloway-style populism appears to be of a different character (leaving aside moralism for a moment) than the electoralist efforts of the Labour Party in Bradford West, but how? You may say apparent differences are illusory, but I'm even less convinced by that as an explanation.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by no1 on April 4, 2012


So is politics to be reduced to individual psychology? Was Alan Bullock right after all?

Of course not.

It just seems to me that if all we can do is condemn Galloway for the same political/moral failings we would condemn any of the other candidates with, should they have won instead, then really what we are saying is that we have no theory of politics. It doesn't necessarily mean that we might not have value theory, a theory of exploitation and capitalism's systemic contradictions, etc, but it does mean that. Some people may say that if we have useable theories for all those things, then what do we need a theory of politics for? I'm not so convinced.

I don't think the bourgeois mainstream has a theory of politics either. Their approach is to examine policy declarations to see where people and movements are to be placed on their rather unimaginative political spectrum. The orthos, like the Trots, originally believed that political parties mapped onto the different classes in society. They don't practically use this anymore in most cases (except for rhetorically) so they too, tend to fall into policy critique, by default.

At least the rejection of policy comparison as being the most significant determination, is a break from that. But only in the negative. People feel that somehow the BNP are different from the Tories or Lib-dems in a way that isn't captured by comparing their policy manifestos, but I've yet to see that properly theorised. Similarly Galloway-style populism appears to be of a different character (leaving aside moralism for a moment) than the electoralist efforts of the Labour Party in Bradford West, but how? You may say apparent differences are illusory, but I'm even less convinced by that as an explanation.

I think you're trying to mystify what happened in Bradford West. It's not particularly hard to work out: people were pissed off with the established parties (especially "the Muslim vote" who were being taken for granted and were being mobilised for Labour), they saw an opportunity to give them a bloody nose, so they voted for Galloway. It all has very little relevance for working class politics, except that the erosion of faith in electoral politics opens a space for more self-organisation.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by freemind on April 5, 2012

Would it be fair to say Gallowaay is racialising working class politics a la BNP or is this simplistic and mistaken?
To me he panders to Religious nationalism which in turn leads to separatism and factionalism.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on April 5, 2012




12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on April 5, 2012

only available in green :roll:


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on April 5, 2012


only available in green :roll:

Orangise! should protest!


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on April 5, 2012

Heh. Somehow I doubt either the Irish or the ecologist associations were foremost in the designer's minds. :bb:


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on April 5, 2012

But it's ok, because the dot on the i in "Spring" is a tiny red star, so that's like Socialism, dude.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by flaneur on April 5, 2012

I like how it's simulating graffiti and therefore applies to the urban yoot.

Mr. Jolly

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Mr. Jolly on April 5, 2012

Isnt it the colours of Respect anyway? Originally a red/green coalition....?

the button

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by the button on April 5, 2012


I like how it's simulating graffiti and therefore applies to the urban yoot.

Not liking that tshirt is ever so slightly racist, IMO.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on April 5, 2012

Mr. Jolly

Isnt it the colours of Respect anyway? Originally a red/green coalition....?

Ahem. True. Albeit disappointingly prosaic. I thought the paranoia was funnier, tho. :groucho:


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by rooieravotr on April 5, 2012

SWP starting to hype the Galloway phenomenon - again. Look here... Pleazzze, not again...


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by no1 on April 5, 2012



12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Picket on April 6, 2012


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by GBF23 on April 6, 2012

Alf Garnett for the 21st century :p


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jonnyboss on April 7, 2012

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by on April 7, 2012

Mr. Jolly

Isnt it the colours of Respect anyway? Originally a red/green coalition....?

Yes, but it's interesting how in Bradford green was the main colour they drenched everything in, including their battlebus.

Mr. Jolly

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Mr. Jolly on April 7, 2012

Mr. Jolly

Isnt it the colours of Respect anyway? Originally a red/green coalition....?

Yes, but it's interesting how in Bradford green was the main colour they drenched everything in, including their battlebus.

I'm not surprised in the slightest, love for earth Gaia has always been strong amongst the mixed communities of Bradford. Dog whistle politics or something deeper and green? The little smattering of red represents the blood left behind after George (peace be upon him) symbolically impregnated mother planet to bring forth the Bradford Spring.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by cantdocartwheels on April 8, 2012

Can't beleive they're actally letting chairman meow speak at marxism, jesus those cunts have no class whatsoever, in all senses of the word.

Anyways galloways mentalism, posturing and batshit rhetoric are pretty amusing, however in the long term the effects of a victory on womens rights in bradford and the politics of an area are less to laugh about if tower hamlets is anything to go by. Largely because it just boosts the confidence of local islamists and the corrupt local politicians/bigwigs who pander to them.. Depressing shite really.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on April 24, 2012

See yer man was on Newsnight tonight. Discussion re James Murdoch's evidence to that committee. Made some unremarkable points. Not much about Bradford West though. In and of itself, not a point worth mentioning as such. But I'd say this is more likely to become the norm than not. Perhaps we should run a sweep on the first time Georgey-boy uses his re-found national media platform to actually push a Bradford related issue?


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by orthodoxyproxy on April 25, 2012

I think its interesting that George Galloway won the Bradford West By-Election, and personally i'm glad. It seems to me the victory represents a new dawn for British politics as his party seems the only party left which is truly a socialist party.. What is even more interesting is the coverage of Sky News on the topic was extremely thorough, unlike BBC which presented him closely with Muslims, barely concealing their attempt to construe alterior motives and channel islamophobia. Rupert Murdoch seems keen to kick the 'establishment' in the teeth following their public ostracising of him and his murky business.. I know they're all dodgey characters, its just funny when they argue amongst themselves for a change :)


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by RedEd on April 25, 2012


It seems to me the victory represents a new dawn for British politics as his party seems the only party left which is truly a socialist party.

You're joking, right? Please say you're joking.


12 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on July 19, 2012


12 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on July 19, 2012

For the benefits of the firewalled masses, that twitter status:

Congratulations to Dr Mohammed Mursi President of Egypt


12 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on July 19, 2012

'What a magnificent debut,' said Bradford West MP George Galloway, congratulating Leeds-born garden designer Tracy Foster on winning a gold medal at the Chelsea Flower Show at her first attempt. He also credited the tourism authority Welcome Yorkshire for commissioning her.

'It's a double triumph,' Galloway continued. 'The idea for the award-winner, the Bronte Garden, was inspired. I'm looking forward to visiting it at Chelsea, as I am sure are thousands of others, and the added benefit is that it will encourage many, many people to visit Bronte country, bringing substantial revenues into the area. This is both an imaginary, innovative and brilliantly realised project,' he said.


12 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on July 19, 2012

Tremble, capitalists! :roll:


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by wojtek on August 4, 2012

Mythical old labour values blah blah blah Respect are well popular blah blah

We should also do things like we mean them to make a difference. That's why the decision by the trade union movement to build a people's demonstration against the government's austerity in October is so welcome.


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by no1 on August 20, 2012

*trigger warning*
Rape apologism is another one to add to the list - Galloway doesn't think consent is strictly necessary

George Galloway

I mean not everybody needs to be asked prior to each insertion. Some people believe that when you go to bed with somebody, take off your clothes, and have sex with them and then fall asleep, you're already in the sex game with them.

It might be really bad manners not to have tapped her on the shoulder and said, "do you mind if I do it again?". It might be really sordid and bad sexual etiquette, but whatever else it is, it is not rape or you bankrupt the term rape of all meaning. . .


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by wojtek on August 20, 2012

...But George Galloway was quick to hit back at his critics. "Oh my, what a lot of 'liberal' useful idiots the Empire can count on," he tweeted. "It's about WIKILEAKS stupid...!"


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by wojtek on August 23, 2012

George Galloway is no longer a columnist for Holyrood magazine and the reasons for that, I would have thought, are fairly obvious. Galloway has always courted controversy and while I have not always agreed with some of his views, I have admired him for staying true to his original political beliefs and particularly for his stance over Iraq. I had always felt that in an increasingly bland and corporate political world, he added some colour and was often an effective thorn in the side of the establishment. If nothing else, he provoked debate which is healthy. However, his recent outpourings about definitions of rape have left me, frankly gobsmacked. There is no excuse, ever, for sex without consent and regardless of the details of the Assange case, Galloway’s comments and inappropriate language about rape per se are alarming. I had hoped he might have taken the last 24 hours to reflect on his judgement and perhaps make some kind of public apology but that has not been apparent, far from it. So, it is with some very genuine regret that I have asked him to no longer write his column for the magazine.


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by NannerNannerNa… on August 23, 2012


I used to like Galloway, but now I don't.
He can screw himself.


12 years ago

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Submitted by wojtek on August 30, 2012

Say what you like about wide-eyed university freshers, at least their flirtation with Stalinists is only a phase...


12 years ago

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Submitted by Harrison on August 31, 2012

"do you want me to be the rape cat"


12 years ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on September 5, 2012

Andy Newman on Stalinist Unity:

I have to say that I was disappointed that Salma Yaqoob publically distanced herself from George Galloway. It would have been more appropriate for her to have discussed any misgivings privately.


12 years ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on September 6, 2012


Enough is enough. George Galloway's recent tweet in which he described an individual as a "window-licker" (a derogatory term for a disabled person) is by no means the first time he has revealed the extent of his ignorance and bigotry towards a sizeable minority of the very individuals whom as a member of parliament it is his job to represent.


12 years ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on September 7, 2012


12 years ago

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Submitted by wojtek on September 17, 2012


11 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on September 26, 2012

Galloway with CPGB-ML supporting China:


11 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on September 27, 2012

The other important factor to feed into this mix, is that the British establishment clearly see Galloway as a threat and a nuisance, and their liberal and soi disant “left” bag-carriers are happy to assist by scrutinising every word and statement of Galloway’s, and effectively bullying him, and seeking to demonise him as being outwith the polite society of the political chatterers. Remember the ridiculous outrage on the Internet when George Galloway suggested that Kylie Minogue doesn’t exactly frighten the horses, and when he said that Sarah Jessica Parker was easy on the eye. ”Left” bloggers were incensed, and some even described as misogynist, views that the vast majority of the population would find unexceptional.


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on October 2, 2012

NUS bans Galloway from speaking at NUS events, and NEC members and officers from sharing a stage with him. Galloway threatens legal action.


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on October 2, 2012

Caiman del Barrio

11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on October 2, 2012


LOL, Georgeous' response to this is to fuck off to Caracas to campaign for Chávez:


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by IrrationallyAngry on October 2, 2012

Caiman del Barrio

LOL, Georgeous' response to this is to fuck off to Caracas to campaign for Chávez:

Perhaps he can get involved in the Revolutionary Anarchist Federation of Venezuela's campaign for a Chavez vote?


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on October 2, 2012

edit: meh also


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on October 2, 2012


Jason Cortez

11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Jason Cortez on October 3, 2012


Caiman del Barrio

LOL, Georgeous' response to this is to fuck off to Caracas to campaign for Chávez:

Perhaps he can get involved in the Revolutionary Anarchist Federation of Venezuela's campaign for a Chavez vote?

I assume you're refering to this
ha ha, gawd you really are quite tedious with your rather desparete need to point score.


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on October 29, 2012

Naz Kahn is the Respect Party’s new Woman’s Officer.

Here are some of her views, as relayed through Harry’s Place from her Facebook comments.

“It’s such a shame that the history teachers in our school never taught us this but they are the first to start brainwashing us and our children into thinking the bad guy was Hitler. What have the Jews done good in this world??”

Naz Kahn responds to a criticism – on 2 October:

Anne! Stop beating a dead horse. The Jews have reaped the rewards of playing victims. enough is enough!! A phrase comes to mind, “treat others in the same way you would like to be treated”. Allah-hu-Akbar!!!!

More Here.

Strangely the Respect site says not a dicky bird about this.

Though the Jewish Chronicle says that now, like so many neo-Nazis, she’s had a change of heart,

“Since joining Respect and talking with George and other leading figures, she now deeply regrets and repudiates that posting,” he said. “And, as any view later in the thread will confirm, she has praised seminal Jewish figures.”


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on October 30, 2012





11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on November 18, 2012

'targeting' the muslim/ black vote in Croydon (hence the use of MLK)
EDIT: deleted my claim that he supported fighting for Hamas, because it was unfounded.


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Arbeiten on November 15, 2012

Aaaaargh, he has an infinite well of cynicism!

Lee Jaspers at the end talking about confiscating criminal assets made from drugs and spending it on social projects is a bit mad too...


11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on April 10, 2013

George Galloway: “But there have been achievements in North Korea. They do have a satellite circling the earth. They have built a nuclear power industry even though they suspended it on false promises from President Clinton and other U.S. statesmen. They do have a cohesive, pristine actually, innocent culture. A culture that has not been penetrated by globalization and by Western mores and is very interesting to see. But I wouldn’t like to live there. And I’m not advocating their system. Not least because they certainly don’t believe in God in North Korea…”


11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on April 10, 2013


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on August 7, 2013


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on August 13, 2013

George Galloway should step down as MP for Bradford West if he is serious about running for mayor of London, councillors from his own Respect party have said.

The councillors, who were elected to Bradford council last May following Galloway's historic byelection win in March that year, say they may quit Respect and work as independents after hearing in the media that the 58-year-old's ambitions apparently lie in the capital, rather than West Yorkshire.

Galloway's response on Tuesday to the criticism was to suspend two councillors for disloyalty and accuse all five of "conspiring to seize executive power".


9 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on May 18, 2015


9 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Django on May 25, 2015

"New York - Tel Aviv Axis of Evil" responsible for expenses investigation.

It's also apparently a possibly criminal "plot" by the "disgruntled" former aide whose sexual morality he has already smeared publicly.

Or both. Or all three!


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on June 1, 2015


9 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on June 12, 2015

Update: we are informed that Keiser is Galloway’s economic “adviser”.

‘If I’m London mayor, Max Keiser will be economic advisor’ – George Galloway June the 5th.


Keiser: “November 2012, he predicted that the UK pound was about to collapse.”

“In a 2013 interview with Bradford MP George Galloway, Keiser stated that if he had financial control over the City of London he would base the entire economy on the Bitcoin digital currency.In January 2014, Keiser launched a cryptocurrency called “MaxCoin”, which was created by two Computer Science students from the University of Bristol. MaxCoin was launched during episode 555 of the Keiser Report.[n June 2014, Keiser launched a cryptocurrency called “StartCOIN” for use as the main currency for crowd-funding site StartJOIN.

“Currently a max(Coin) is worth 1/1500th of a bit coin and the value is steadily dropping…” As of April 2015, the Maxcoin is valued 1/12,500 of a bit coin and is long overdue for a reverse max-split.”


8 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on December 8, 2015

Noah Fence

8 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on December 8, 2015


I'm in.

Chilli Sauce

8 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on December 8, 2015


Surely, you meant this for the Funniest thing you read today thread...


8 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on December 8, 2015

Galloway (also Avakian) deserves his own thread


8 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on December 8, 2015


8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on March 23, 2016

Free movement between European states should have been abandoned after the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) attacks in Paris last November, former MP George Galloway said in the wake of Tuesday’s bombings in Brussels.

The Respect Party’s candidate for mayor of London argued that suspending the right to free movement could have prevented attacks on European soil.


5 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on April 24, 2019


5 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on April 24, 2019

And less surprisingly Claire Fox ex-member of the RCP now claiming to be a 'libertarian' and still not a 'communist' as we might understand that signs up for the newish Uk 'Brexit Party'.


5 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on May 2, 2019

Peterborough Spring:


5 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on June 3, 2019

George Galloway has been sacked from his TalkRadio show with immediate effect, after the former MP said Liverpool’s victory over Tottenham Hotspur in the Champions League final meant there would be “no Israel flags on the cup”.

The north London club, which has a strong association with the Jewish community, had called for him to be sacked, saying: “It’s astounding in this day and age to read such blatant antisemitism published on a social platform by someone who is still afforded air time on a radio station on which he has previously broken broadcast impartiality rules.”