Noam Chomsky

Submitted by meerov21 on January 13, 2016

According to Noam Chomsky, Russia has reason "to express concern" about relations between Ukraine and NATO. "This concern is fully justified" says this man during the invasion of Russian troops. Discussing the situation in Russia and Crimea, Chomsky said that "Crimea is historically Russian, with only Russian ice-free winter port, which is the base of the Russian fleet, having huge strategic importance". Chomsky is a voluntary ally of Russian government.

Moreover, Chomsky has not said a single word about the true interests of Russia, which forced her to annex Crimea and to take parts of Eastern Ukraine. What he says, it's not "understanding Russia's position", but a fantastic deception. If Chomsky was talking about the real reasons of the annexation of Crimea, he wood spoke about other things.

We must totally revise our attitude to the Western leftists, including some anarchists, taking into account their position in relation to Russia. We must be aware that many Western leftists have always been allies of the Kremlin since the creation of the Comintern that they had received support from intelligence services of the USSR. Of course, you should not become paranoid. Most Western leftists are not the addressees of the financial help of Russian government. However, they act in one way or another in support of the Russian army and government, because they believe that all that is against America is a good.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by infektfm on January 13, 2016

I agree about revising the western left's attitude regarding Russia -- I do see a lot of anarchists (particularly the anarcho-communism facebook page) express support for Russia in the conflict. I think, in this case, it has more to do with opposition to the right wing Ukrainian government than it has to do with love for Putin. But often, people only see the world in such clearly defined sides. We can support the people of Ukraine (and Russia) without resorting to support of their governments.

However, regarding Chomsky, I think he often speaks of states having legitimate grievances within the framework of statist rationality. I don't believe he is making a case for Russian annexation, but rather expressing how, within the logic of nation states,Russia has reason to express concern. I don't think he is stating that this logic is a good thing, but that within the established rules of the game -- in which the US and the EU are players, of course -- Russia has a case to make.

Although Chomsky often veers off into reformist rhetoric, I think his analysis is meant more for the mainstream discourse, and can be utilized as a gateway to more radical ideas. I can't help but think that he's aware of this. Sorry if I sound like a Chomsky apologist -- I respect him greatly, but there is a great deal I disagree with him on, particularly in the realm of philosophy. However, I don't think he's one of these Comintern, or comintern influenced, shills.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by freemind on January 14, 2016

I think many Anarchists misunderstand Chomsky because they overlook the deliberate line he takes in confronting orthodox viewpoints on their own terms to stress the inaccuracy and falsehood they profess.
I suppose this comes from his linguistic background and attacking reactionary lines on their own ground.If he came from a libertarian angle every time those prone to an opposition view would dismiss him but when confronted with their own weaknesses which they often never question it exposes their reactionary POV.
There are many ways to attack reactionary lines and all too often we don't look at the mindsets of our enemy and the many reasons everyone adopts a specific line.
This doesn't mean we can convert Fascists or every opponent but if you can undermine them on their own ground without compromising your own principles then that has to be welcomed.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Primal on January 14, 2016

"invasion of Russian troops"....? What a ridiculous statement.

Crimea was annexed by Russia after a free and fair election. CNN and others were at the scene and their reporters as well as all independent observers stated that it was no contest, the people wanted to join Russia. They could hardly find one person voting against it, in both the people that voted and the people they talked to. The Ukrainian government made their native language Russian illegal in official documents. They are clearly doing much better after joining Russia rather than being in a warzone.

Anti-Russian sentiment is really starting to get to be a bit of a joke at this stage. Especially over the past few months/years, Putin has proven time and time again that Russia are the real leaders in world affairs except where they have allowed the US to take a dominant position due to their better economic status and threatening behaviour.

I'm sure the people on this forum are intelligent enough to realize that the main reason for the downfall of the USSR was because of US interference?


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on January 14, 2016


I agree about revising the western left's attitude regarding Russia -- I do see a lot of anarchists (particularly the anarcho-communism facebook page) express support for Russia in the conflict.

tbh i doubt if they have any anarchists among their editors


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on January 14, 2016

Primal, wrong forum to spout that type of nonsense. People here couldn't give a lesser shit whether the Crimea was annexed or peacefully left the Ukraine. It's all fucking nationalist bollocks in different wrapping.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

This creature is Noam Chomsky. He actually denies the existence of Russian imperialism. 11.15. Chomsky avoids answering a direct question was the capture of the Crimea imperialist act or not. Although he calls it "criminal" he refuses to acknowledge the existence of Russian imperialism. In addition, Chomsky claims that Crimea was transferred to Ukraine during the time of the USSR against the will of the population of the Peninsula. Thus Chomsky did not says a word about 300 thousand Crimean Tatars, who were deported from the Crimea, and whose opinion olso no one asked but who was enemy of Russia


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

"Crimea was annexed by Russia after a free and fair election." - ahahaha))))

1. In Russia there is no election we have nothing like this since the beginning of the 2000s. All results are falsified. To speak about honest elections in Russia it's not serious.

2. In addition, Crimea have been taken by Russian troops, and then they held the referendum. It was a referendum at gunpoint, where the votes were counted the people, falsifying the elections in Russia itself.

3. Next, 300 thousand Tatars of the Crimea boycotted the referendum as part of the Pro-Ukrainian population.

4. In 1939 ethnic Russians were minesse half of the population of Crimea. The fact is that after the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine (1954), Khrushchev organized mass resettlement of ethnic Russians in the Crimea. It was done for two reasons. First, after the deportation of Tatars there was not enough manpower for Crimea's economy. Secondly, as noted by historian Mark Kramer, Khrushchev tried to change the ethnic composition of Ukraine's population, creating Russian enclaves there. It was a typical policy of the USSR. They relocated millions of Russians into Central Asia, the Baltic States and Ukraine to increase there Pro-Imperial elements and to prevent the development of local separatism. And finally, you need to understand that in Crimea received hundreds of thousands of veterans and pensioners of KGB and police. In fact, a massive portion of the Russian immigrants are employees of special services.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016



8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Gepetto on January 26, 2016

While I do not support Putin, talking about some "Russian aggression" in Ukraine, focusing on Russian imperialism, is a red herring that serves to cover up predatory appetites of Western rulers. It is USA and EU imperialists that supported the coup spearheaded by fascists, which put Russian speakers in Crimea and Donbass in a state of alarm (can't blame them- look at how Russian speakers are treated in glorious Baltic EU democracies), that bear chief responsibility for Ukrainian crisis. Putin is actually only defending himself after years of encirclement of Russia through various Western-sponsored "colour revolutions".

However, meerov21 was supportive of that coup, seeing Maidan as some kind of "popular", "democratic" movement, so it's not surprising they make threads like that.

As for Western leftists revisiting their attitude, living in Europe I think the problem with the left here is rather opposite, that it is hopelessly pro-EU and refuses to acknowledge that Putin is not the Hitler incarnate and that Russia is a run-of-the-mill bourgeois state. Pro-Putin tankies are ridiculous but at least they don't support "their" own bourgeois government.

As for Chomsky being an ally of Russian imperialism, I'd rather say he acts as a "radical" advisor to U.S. imperialism, believing that it could be made to really spread "freedom" and "democracy" as it claims to be doing.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

I do not discuss with red enemies who are the puppets of Russia and who denies the fact of Russian imperialism. I also don't support the Ukraine government or USA.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

Gepetto-"Putin is actually only defending himself after years of encirclement of Russia through various Western-sponsored "colour revolutions"."

This is a common Pro-imperialist thesis of Russian propaganda with its conspiracy theory, according to which all revolt against Pro-Russian regimes are the result of a conspiracy of the Western powers. It doesn't deserve discussion. This is the same that the theory of global Jewish conspiracy.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Burgers on January 26, 2016


I do not discuss with red enemies who are the puppets of Russia and who denies the fact of Russian imperialism. I also don't support the Ukraine government or USA.

You seem a bit defensive? Who are you talking about anyway? As I don't think anywhere Gepetto suggested support for any faction of capitalism.


Gepetto-"Putin is actually only defending himself after years of encirclement of Russia through various Western-sponsored "colour revolutions"."

This is a common Pro-imperialist thesis of Russian propaganda with its conspiracy theory, according to which all revolt against Pro-Russian regimes are the result of a conspiracy of the Western powers. It doesn't deserve discussion. This is the same that the theory of global Jewish conspiracy.

or you could say "This is a common Pro-imperialist thesis of EU propaganda with its conspiracy theory, according to which all revolt against Pro-EU regimes are the result of a conspiracy of the Eastern powers. It doesn't deserve discussion. This is the same that the theory of global Jewish conspiracy."

But I will ask where is Gepetto arguing a pro-Russian line?

Chilli Sauce

8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on January 26, 2016

I do not discuss with red enemies who are the puppets of Russia

Wait, Gepetto is a Russia puppet?

Sure, with a name like that, he's the puppet-master. ;-)


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on January 26, 2016

This is a common Pro-imperialist thesis of Russian propaganda with its conspiracy theory, according to which all revolt against Pro-Russian regimes are the result of a conspiracy of the Western powers. It doesn't deserve discussion. This is the same that the theory of global Jewish conspiracy.

Bullshit. It is a run of the mill IP analysis focusing on the breakup of old spheres of influence. Russia has always considered Easter Europe to be their backyard, and Nato has been encroaching on it for years. From an IP perspective, what Russia did made sense in terms of national self-interest. It's basically the same logic that was behind the Cuban missile crisis. And this has actually got nothing to do with any revolts, and this shit started years and years before Ukraine went the way it did.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

or you could say "This is a common Pro-imperialist thesis of EU propaganda with its conspiracy theory, according to which all revolt against Pro-EU regimes are the result of a conspiracy of the Eastern powers. It doesn't deserve discussion. This is the same that the theory of global Jewish conspiracy."

For sure.

But I will ask where is Gepetto arguing a pro-Russian line?

I just said the words of Gepetto's "Putin is actually only defending himself after years of encirclement of Russia through various Western-sponsored "colour revolutions" is a classic conspiracy theory. And this is also the Central thesis of Russian propaganda. So Russian propaganda characterizes the mass uprisings in Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan against Pro-Russian dictatorships and corrupt governments as a result of Western intervention.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on January 26, 2016

I just said the words of Gepetto's "Putin is actually only defending himself after years of encirclement of Russia through various Western-sponsored "colour revolutions" is a classic conspiracy theory. And this is also the Central thesis of Russian propaganda. So Russian propaganda characterizes the mass uprisings in Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan against Pro-Russian dictatorships and corrupt governments as a result of Western intervention.

You do realize that it is possible for there to be both Western encirclement of Russia, for them to support uprisings and at the same time there being popular revolts against regimes. This black and white analysis you're spouting is rather trite and reveals your ideological blinders.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

" what Russia did made sense in terms of national self-interest."

First of all, what Russia is doing is an act of imperialist invasion. It's exactly the same thing, making, for example, by Israel. Israel justifies intervention by the national interests and security concerns. This does not mean that American policy is better.

But the second important point is that therte is no relation to the national security of Russia if we talking about its actions in Ukraine. Russia had no conflicts with NATO and regularly supplied fuel to NATO countries. Even if Ukraine joined NATO it would not be a problem for Russia, which was good friend and partner of NATO and USA. In fact Russia suppoerted NATO operations in Afganistan and Libia. Actions in Ukraine were caused by a completely different factor.

It's what here in Russia called "battle of the television and the refrigerator ". In Russia in 2013 the economic crisis began and the country's leadership decided on the intervention, in order to raise Patriotic feelings and to increase Putin's popularity. This is a typical tactic of Putin since early 2000. He rules by implementing its popularity through war. First he attacked Chechnya, then Georgia, then Ukraine, then Syria. And now he only really came into conflict with his former friends from NATO.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

""Putin is actually only defending himself after years of encirclement of Russia through various Western-sponsored "colour revolutions""" - This is not an analyst, this is a conspiracy theory. These words look like the root cause of revolutions is the desire of the West to encircle Russia in a ring of enemies. This is nonsense of the modern Russian propaganda at least for the reason that before the attack on Ukraine, Russia has been a reliable partner and friend of NATO and supported the NATO attacks in Libya and Afghanistan .


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

It is USA and EU imperialists that supported the coup spearheaded by fascists, which put Russian speakers in Crimea and Donbass in a state of alarm (can't blame them- look at how Russian speakers are treated in glorious Baltic EU democracies),

This is another fiction of Russian propaganda and its Western supporters. The capital of Ukraine, Kiev - 70% of the Russian-speaking city. On Ukrainian TV, many programs are in Russian language and studying Russian language in all schools of Ukraine. Even in the Right Sector nationalist organization (during election it received only a few percent) are a significant part of Russian-speaking poeple. In Ukraine, nothing threatens the Russian-speaking people. Ukraine has not imposed any state of emergency neither in Crimea nor in Donbass in 2014, when these regions were taken by Russian troops.The man who said this lie is nothing but a puppet of the Russian propaganda, even if he is not aware of this. He obviously has never been in Ukraine. I was.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Gepetto on January 26, 2016

This is not a conspiracy theory. US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland herself said that USA have invested around 5 billion dollars since in 1991 in "democratic and prosperous" Ukraine. Various Western politicians appeared at Maidan to express support, most famously John McCain. Party of boxer and the opposition hero Vitali Klitschko, UDAR, was financed by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, close to the ruling German CDU. Poland offered medical help to Maidan fighters and brokered the negotiations between government and opposition. Immediately toppling of Yanukovych USA sent planes to Poland, General Rasmussen assured Yatsenyuk that NATO will intensify its efforts to build Ukrainian military capacity, military exercises with Russia were cancelled and instead of that exercises called Rapid Trident were organised in Lviv- sabre-rattling against Russia stopped only when the world's attention became focused on the Islamic State. EU imperialists, for their part, offered to two ex-USSR countries, Georgia and Moldova, association agreements similar to that signed by Ukraine- undoubtedly a provocation against Russia.

As for Ukrainian putsch being a "mass uprising"- well, there are revolutionary and reactionary masses. Nazism was also a mass movement. People in Ukraine were rightly fed up with Yanukovych, but their grievances couldn't be articulated politically in Maidan, which started as a gathering of "nice" petty-bourgeois liberal democrats without social demands (but in support of the imperialist EU, admission to which would mean even more poverty for Ukrainian workers) and got took over by fascist thugs who were better organised and had more money so they could pay their people for camping at Maidan. What was needed then was not leftist entryism into Maidan but mobilisation of workers to sweep that rabble from the streets.

And annexation of Crimea was not an act of imperialist aggression. Crimea has been Russian since 1783, only in 1954 Krushchev made it part of Ukraine without regard for ethnic composition and languages used there. Most people there, rightly alarmed by coup led by Ukrainian chauvinists, supported Russian intervention, heck, even most soldiers stationed in Crimea defected to Russians. However I don't uphold the right of nations to self-determination so I don't care who gets that piece of land, but I think that communists should strive for equality of nations, which in Ukraine means federalisation and revoking chauvinist banning of Russian as a second official language.


I also don't support the Ukraine government or USA.

So said AWU members here, which did not stop them from saying effectively that Putin is the main enemy of Ukrainian workers (what happened to "the main enemy is at home"?) and that success of Kiev's "anti-terrorist operation" (which means bloody repression, crimes committed on civilian population by fascists from Azov Battalion and using cluster munitions on housing blocs) would be a lesser evil (and it seems that one of them, certain Zadiraka, even works or used to work with the Ukraine's Ministry of Interior).


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Gepetto on January 26, 2016


In Ukraine, nothing threatens the Russian-speaking people.

Yeah, nothing, except that over 40 trade unionists and Russian nationalists were massacred by Ukrainian fascists in Odessa...


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

meerov21 wrote:
In Ukraine, nothing threatens the Russian-speaking people.
Yeah, nothing, except that 200 trade unionists and Russian nationalists were massacred by Ukrainian fascists in Odessa...

This is a continuation of Russian propaganda. What kind of trade-unionists? There were Activists of the Odessa movement anti-Maidan for "Russian world"- the anti-Semites, Stalinists pro-russain nationalists and extreme right. My friends came to their meetings and listened to the anti-Semitic propaganda that the power in Ukraine was seized by the Jews. These were armed men who under cover of the Ukrainian police (Yes!) attacked the supporters of the Maidan with the use of firearms. The battle began, during which they were pushed and locked in the "House of trade Unions", but the vast majority of members of the Pro-Russian nationalist militia had nothing to do with the unions.

In this video you can see how they are shooting to the supporters of Maidan

This video shows Pro-Russian separatists used firearms, under the Ukrainian police protect them.

It is true that on the side of the Odessa Maidan acted by various groups, including far-right football hooligans and nationalists. I'm not saying they are angels and that I like them. But I heard lie of Gepetto and i considered this as the Pro-Russian Imperial propaganda.

Others suggest that you just watch this video and see that he is lying.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

Khawaga From an IP perspective, what Russia did made sense in terms of national self-interest. It's basically the same logic that was behind the Cuban missile crisis.

Not at all.

Russia is not the USSR

Russia until recently was just a gas and petrol station of the European Union and NATO and the best investor of petrodollars to EU economy.

Half of the Russian exports go to Europe (oil, gas and other raw materials). 80% of demand of Russian industry are foreign (and largely) European goods (machines and other equipment). 50% of Russia food imports and a significant part falls on the countries of the European Union. 93% of Russian medicines are either produced abroad or contain foreign components. Russia is one of the most import-dependent countries in the world and the lion's share of this dependence is associated with NATO countries.

The entire Russian elite, oligarchs and bureaucrats keep their money in the United States and the European Union, and their property and their families are there also. For 15 years of Putin's rule they were taken to the West about 2 trillion dollars.

What kind of the the confrontation with NATO they cood be involved in these conditions? The Kremlin never thought of any real confrontation with NATO! For example, American bases in Afghanistan is supplied through Russia.

NATO has never threatened Russia, on the contrary, NATO was an ally of Putin. NATO have a blind eye to human rights violations in Russia, the mass medering in Chechnya, and on Russia's attack on Georgia. No sanctions, although Russia has killed the Chechen and human rights activists and occupied part of Georgian territory!

Anyone who says about the confrontation between Russia and NATO does not understand anything in contemporary Russian politics.

Only now this confrontation has become real. And just for the reason that the Kremlin is not calculated the consequences of his adventurism in Ukraine and seizure of Crimea and parts of Donbass.

The Kremlin did this only in order to avoid a Russian Maidan and to gain popularity of the population through Imperial propaganda and war in the face of economic crisis. Just Putin believed that the West will remain silent, as in the case with Chechnya and Georgia. But this did not happen.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 26, 2016

And annexation of Crimea was not an act of imperialist aggression. Crimea has been Russian since 1783, only in 1954 Krushchev made it part of Ukraine without regard for ethnic composition and languages used there.

And then someone dares to say that he is not a supporter of Russian propaganda and imperialism?

Crimea was conquered by the Russian Empire by force of arms. After that, the indigenous people of Crimea - the Tatars have been persecuted and attacked for centuries.

In 1939 ethnic Russians were minesse half of the population of Crimea.

About 300 thousand Crimean Tatars have been deported from the Crimea by Stalin, and from 15 to 40% of them was ded during deportation.

Khrushchev did not allowed them to return to the Crimea. Also from the Crimea were deported tens of thousands of Armenians, Bulgarians, etc.

The fact is that after the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine (1954), Khrushchev organized mass resettlement of ethnic Russians in the Crimea. It was done for two reasons.

First, after the deportation of Tatars there was not enough manpower for Crimea's economy. Secondly, as noted by historian Mark Kramer, Khrushchev tried to change the ethnic composition of Ukraine's population, creating Russian enclaves there. It was a typical policy of the USSR. They relocated millions of Russians into Central Asia, the Baltic States and Ukraine to increase there Pro-Imperial elements and to prevent the development of local separatism. That is why Khrushchev did not allow Tatars to return to the Crimea.

And finally, you need to understand that in Crimea received housing hundreds of thousands of veterans and pensioners of KGB and police. In fact, a massive portion of the Russian new immigrants are employees of special services and we can compare them with Israeli colonists in Palestine on the West Bank of the Jordan.

In any case, it is clear that the Crimea was captured by Russian troops, it was the capture. Even Chomsky acknowledges that partly, calling the seizure of Crimea as "criminal act".

So after word of Gepetto "annexation of Crimea was not an act of imperialist aggression. Crimea has been Russian since 1783," I think everyone should be clear what he is, and why discussion with him is impossible.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on January 26, 2016

You clearly give the Russian bourgeoisie more clarity of through than they really have. It is perfectly compatible in its own paradoxical logic to be dependent on European and American banks and market for exports while at the same time desiring to keep old spheres of influence.

In any case, why this defensiveness? Who here has said they support Russia? None. Though it seems like you are firmly within the grip of Ukranian propaganda considering how much you feel the need to portray "their" side of the story. You say you don't care about he Ukrainian state, but the amount of pixels you spend on parroting the Western line on Russia is pretty telling.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Gepetto on January 26, 2016

So, is Russia imperialist according to you or is it merely an enforcer of American and EU imperialism? (the latter would be said by Sparts, who have supported Russian annexation of Crimea) Or perhaps you believe in some kind of "ultra-imperialism" a la Kautsky?


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by petey on January 26, 2016


US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland



8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 27, 2016

Russia is an imperialist state, like the US, England or Turkey. But at the moment Russian imperialism is not associated with business interests and not with any complex geopolitical calculations. It is called a single purpose - to preserve the popularity of the regime inside the country.

This policy is typical for the Russian Empire. So in 1904-1905 leadership of the tsarist Empire dreamed of a "small victorious war" with Japan to cause an outbreak of patriotism and stop the revolution. It was not always so. But at the moment Russian imperialism is not based on any complex geopolitical interests or business interests, is nothing more than a PR-project. And this recognition is very unpleasant to many Western leftists, many of whom are friends of the Kremlin since the days of the Comintern.

The problem is that Russian imperialism is weak. Russian GDP is only about 1% of global GDP. Russian state is totally dependent on Western technology and Finance, and it has a weak infrastructure. The corrupt bureaucracy of this neo-feudal or rather the neo-absolutist regime controls 70% of Finance of the country and surrounded the business are not only with high taxes but also informal seizures, racketeering. As one representative of the bureaucracy said, "we try to tilt the 600 largest businessmen". The Word "tilt" on criminal language means both the sexual humiliation and / or cash withdrawal. According to the estimates of Russian economists from 40 to 60% of the state money stolen regularly.

Such a system may not be effective in confrontation with more powerful imperialisme and doomed to defeat. And the consequences of defeat in the imperialist conflict can be terrible.


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 27, 2016

The roots of Russian imperialism


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 27, 2016

"Khawaga Who here has said they support Russia? "

Gepetto "annexation of Crimea was not an act of imperialist aggression. Crimea has been Russian since 1783,"

Let me tell you: "the Israeli occupation is not an act of imperialist aggression. Palestine has been Jewish for thousands of years." Tell me now that this is not Pro-Israeli propaganda.

Yeah and ask Gepetto about the Soviet conquest of Afghanistan, it will be interesting.))


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Gepetto on January 27, 2016

As for Odessa- well, here in Poland, when ultra-nationalists attacked a squat during the Independence March, they also claimed that squatters had provoked them into doing that by throwing stones at them.

It's not surprising that meerov21 defends Maidan as a popular uprising and apologises for bandits from Right Sector and pogrom perpetrated by them- apparently he's the same person as Magid, another poor creature on the Eastern European "left" infected with "autonomous", ethnic nationalism. In an article he defended pogroms of Caucasian immigrants in Kondopoga as "proletarian". Meerov21 himself on libcom wrote that his comrades threaten with violence those who expose them as reactionaries that they are (and who are these comrades, you can learn here


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 27, 2016

he defended pogroms of Caucasian immigrants in Kondopoga

And this is another lie of the red. Bring the quote where I defend the attacks on Caucasians)))


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Gepetto on January 27, 2016


he defended pogroms of Caucasian immigrants in Kondopoga

And this is another lie of the red. Bring the quote where I defend the attacks on Caucasians)))

In a statement published on the internet (Libcom, 24/9/06) - we don’t know whether it is the individual initiative of its author (M. Magid) or whether it reflects the official position of the organisation he belongs to (the Russian section of the anarcho-syndicalist IWA), we can find some dangerous confusions about the class nature of this movement and the perspectives it contained. The author even defines this movement as something, if not from the working class itself, then at least as useful to its struggle: “Everywhere, or almost everywhere in Russian province destruction is widespread, due to bandits of all nationalities, who are controlling local markets, companies and banks…In Kondopoga we saw an attempt of people to set up an organ of self-governance, a regular meeting of people who would make resolutions, which according to opinion of the people authorities should fulfil. But riots became nationalist ones...Is this movement ordered or initiated by fascists or local traders? No, that claim is a lie by mainstream media. It was a popular riot, of working people, which developed to a nationalistic direction, safe for authorities - partly due to events themselves, partly due to initiative of local traders”.

In the final analysis, the author institutes the means used, riots and pogroms, as valid weapons that the proletariat can use. The only regret he expresses is that it should not have simply targeted what he calls Caucasian bandits but should have widened to target Russian bandits. The most striking thing is that he takes at face value the nationalist campaigns of the Russian state which portray all Caucasians as mafiosi. At no point does it occur to him that this could be a false idea. This is clearly making concessions to the repulsive lies of the state, giving credence to the racist scapegoating of the Caucasians.


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on January 27, 2016

In Kondopoga during a fight one local resident was killed by gangsters. He was killed by bandits at the cafe. Then Gathered the Assembly of several thousand inhabitants. Unfortunately the killer was Caucasian, and so local traders managed to set the Assembly against Caucasians. After that, the crowd broke some of the stalls and attacked the cafe where the murder occurred. The cafe belonged to a Caucasian businessman. So I wrote exactly what is quoting:

”.“Everywhere, or almost everywhere in Russian province destruction is widespread, due to bandits of all nationalities, who are controlling local markets, companies and banks…In Kondopoga we saw an attempt of people to set up an organ of self-governance, a regular meeting of people who would make resolutions, which according to opinion of the people authorities should fulfil. But riots became nationalist ones...Is this movement ordered or initiated by fascists or local traders? No, that claim is a lie by mainstream media. It was a popular riot, of working people, which developed to a nationalistic direction, safe for authorities - partly due to events themselves, partly due to initiative of local traders”.

Here clearly indicated that the author is opposed to nationalism, because nationalism safe for the system, and gangsters.

So the idea about me that "The most striking thing is that he takes at face value the nationalist campaigns of the Russian state which portray all Caucasians as mafiosi" It is complete nonsense. In the words here given I clearly condemned the attacks on ethnic grounds.

Moreover. Text about Kondopoga is finished by words: "от действий националистического характера пострадают невинные люди, бандиты скроются, а жизнь будет течь по-прежнему и не станет ни лучше, ни справедливее".

This means: "These actions of nationalist nature leads to suffering of innocent people, the thugs will disappear, and life will not become better and fairer".

This is text in russian

And that means also you are liar.

Becouse you said about me "In an article he defended pogroms of Caucasian immigrants in Kondopoga as "proletarian".

Now I suggest you apologize for your lie.


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Primal on February 7, 2016


"Crimea was annexed by Russia after a free and fair election." - ahahaha))))

1. In Russia there is no election we have nothing like this since the beginning of the 2000s. All results are falsified. To speak about honest elections in Russia it's not serious.

In the start of the 2000s there were lots of suspicions about Putin's meteoric rise and lots of serious people were saying things like that about the elections. Since then there's been confirmation after confirmation of Putin's popularity and that the elections are being carried out freely and fairly. Nobody serious is saying what you're saying about election fraud in Russia anymore, there are just a few outliers like you who don't want to leave go of the argument because you think it sounds so good. You may as well say that American elections are all rigged and all fraud. Find ANY sort of credible source to back up what you're saying about elections in Russia today. There are many people who write really, really vicious criticisms of Putin and Russia all around the world so it shouldn't be too hard if there's even a hint of suspicion.

You can talk all you like about Putin's control of the media and manipulation of the process, but claiming outright electoral fraud is another thing entirely.


2. In addition, Crimea have been taken by Russian troops, and then they held the referendum. It was a referendum at gunpoint, where the votes were counted the people, falsifying the elections in Russia itself.

At gunpoint? Now I think you are joking man, a joke poster. It's like claiming a bank transaction was done "at gunpoint" because there were security gaurds with guns not in the vicinity but well outside the fucking building and the transaction was anonymous.

When you come up with something like "at gunpoint" does it cause a little heart flutter inside of you? That it sounds so damning and such a good rhetorical weapon to use against Putin? Try to have some dignity when you're arguing please.


3. Next, 300 thousand Tatars of the Crimea boycotted the referendum as part of the Pro-Ukrainian population.

That's their right to do so. You can boycott any election you don't like. Of course there's always an argument that one part of a country shouldn't be allowed to secede even if they have a local majority - Venice in Italy, Catalan in Spain, Kosovo in Serbia (supported by the US and enforced), you're not doing it much justice here.


4. In 1939 ethnic Russians were minesse half of the population of Crimea. The fact is that after the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine (1954), Khrushchev organized mass resettlement of ethnic Russians in the Crimea. It was done for two reasons. First, after the deportation of Tatars there was not enough manpower for Crimea's economy. Secondly, as noted by historian Mark Kramer, Khrushchev tried to change the ethnic composition of Ukraine's population, creating Russian enclaves there. It was a typical policy of the USSR. They relocated millions of Russians into Central Asia, the Baltic States and Ukraine to increase there Pro-Imperial elements and to prevent the development of local separatism. And finally, you need to understand that in Crimea received hundreds of thousands of veterans and pensioners of KGB and police. In fact, a massive portion of the Russian immigrants are employees of special services.

You can't fix the mistakes of the past with mass discrimination and upheaval against minorities like ethnic Russians today. Should the US give all their land back to the native Americans? Should Jews all go back to Austria, Poland etc.? Should third generation illegal immigrants in the US today be forced to go back to where they were originally? There has to be some sort of period after which things have to let be and try not to make the same mistakes again.


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on February 13, 2016

Free elections mean that the various opposition parties admitted to the media and to participate in the elections. In addition, their representatives and neutral observers may participate in the counting of votes. In Russia it is not. If the opposition is not allowed to the polls and in the media, it means that the elections are falsified.

In Russia there is no election. During the last election they had never hid anything, their falsification reached the level where they showed a false picture 146% on TV.

These 146% became a symbol of "russian elections", and so our lovely "national leader" called the head of the election Committee "magician" in his cynical manner.

Even kids in Russia know that we don't have elections.

Perhaps the majority of people supported todey the "national leader" as media call him. But that doesn't mean that he won any election. I think in any country the majority will be for some time to support the leader, if the media, schools, Newspapers, TV only support him and criticize those who are against him. However, here we are not talking about the election.

As for Crimea, there, as elsewhere in Russia there have been no elections or referendum, it's just a fake... And also this is the fake in conditions of military occupation. And this fake was preceded by the policy of deportations of the Crimean Tatars, and those of them who live in Crimea and Pro-Ukrainian population was unwilling to participate in the "referendum" .

Have a referendum on the West Bank of the Jordan river under Israeli occupation and deportations and give voting rights to Israeli settlers, and let the Israelites counted votes? hahaha.

I am not discussing the US elections, there may be worse or maybe better, I don't care. I do not advocate parlamentory system at all. But your defense of our lovely "national leader" and his "elections" confirms all that I have written. Many Western leftists were and are puppets or friends of the Kremlin.


8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on February 27, 2016

Oh this is new.
Chomsky: I'd 'absolutely' vote for Hillary Clinton

Chilli Sauce

8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on February 27, 2016

Eh, he's been saying that sort of thing going back to at least the Bush years.


8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Anarcho on February 27, 2016


Oh this is new.
Chomsky: I'd 'absolutely' vote for Hillary Clinton

To put it in context, he actually said:

Noam Chomsky would “absolutely” choose Hillary Clinton over the Republican nominee if he lived in a swing state,

He has said this before so hardly news -- He has been very much in the "vote for the lessor evil" camp for some time. Given nature of the Republicans, you can have some sympathy with his position -- and it would be nice not to truncate his words and so distort his position.