Un articulo sobre la legalizacion de la CNT en 1977 de un periodico de la CNT. Copied to clipboard Attachments Scan1786.pdf (1.28 MB) Spain Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) Comments Hope that a united CNT-AIT of Hope that a united CNT-AIT of tens of thousands of members, with active unions and socials would again take hold in Spain.
Hope that a united CNT-AIT of Hope that a united CNT-AIT of tens of thousands of members, with active unions and socials would again take hold in Spain.
Lozano, Maria 1914-2000 aka Maria Mombiola A short biography of Spanish anarchist Maria Lozano, who fought in and assisted the Resistance to Franco.
Carpena, Pepita, 1919-2005 A biography of veteran Spanish anarchist and women's liberationist Pepita Carpena.
Controversy: Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution - Sam Dolgoff Sam Dolgoff analyses and discusses the decision of the anarcho-syndicalist CNT to join the…
Tejada, Macario, 1913-1967+ Biographical information about Spanish soldier, anarchist and Civil War fighter Macario Tejada.
Spain: Supermarket strike in Barcelona to enter second month This Saturday the 22nd of April will mark the end of the first month of an indefinite strike in Barcelona by workers at the Sant Sadurni d'Anoia logistics centre for the major Spanish Supermarket chain Mercadona.
1931: Barcelona mass rent strike The story of one of the biggest rent strikes of the 20th century where more than 100,000 people faced down the landlords and the government winning improvements for many tenants.
Hope that a united CNT-AIT of
Hope that a united CNT-AIT of tens of thousands of members, with active unions and socials would again take hold in Spain.