Eric Hobsbawm The four volumes of Eric Hobsbawm's 'Age of...' series, charting the ages of Revolution (1789-1848), Capital (1848-1875), Empire (1875-1914) and Extremes (1914-1991). Copied to clipboard The age of revolution 1789-1848 - Eric Hobsbawm The age of capital 1848-1875 - Eric Hobsbawm The age of extremes 1914-1991 - Eric Hobsbawm Book traversal links for The age of... series - Eric Hobsbawm The age of revolution 1789-1848 - Eric Hobsbawm Printer-friendly version capitalism Eric J. Hobsbawm PDF Comments
Capital - Karl Marx The complete text online of Marx's Magnum Opus, Capital: a critique of political economy, a devastating critical analysis of capitalism.
In this world, but not of this world - Gilles Dauvé Gilles Dauvé discusses his 1972 essay Capitalism and Communism, Marxism and the state capitalist countries of the 20th century, the position of…
One dimensional woman - Nina Power Exposes the dark heart of contemporary cultural life by examining pornography, consumer capitalism and the ideology of women's work.
Wars and Capitalism - Kropotkin Russian anarchist, Peter Kropotkin writes of the part capitalism and industry plays in starting wars between two governments.
Syndicalism: the modern menace to capitalism - Emma Goldman In view of the fact that the ideas embodied in Syndicalism have been practiced by the workers for…
Lessons of the counterrevolutions - Amadeo Bordiga A 1953 text in which Amadeo Bordiga examines the lessons of counterrevolutions from the defeat of Spartacus to the Battle of Legnano in 1176 and…