Libcom's guide to further reading on empire and imperialism.

A. Orthodox Imperialism
Imperialism – Lenin
Against the Current – Lenin/Zinoviev
Leon Trotsky:
On China
Results and Prospects/Permanent Revolution
Finance Capital - R. Hilferding
The Accumulation of Capital - R. Luxemburg
The Accumulation of Capital: An Anti-Critique - R. Luxemburg
Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital - N. Bukharin
Imperialism and the World Economy - N. Bukharin
Labor and Monopoly Capital - H. Braverman
Late Capitalism - E. Mandel
Monopoly Capital - P. Baran/P. Sweezy
Marxism and the New Imperialism, SWP(GB)
B. Imperialism: Dependency and World-Systems Theory
C. Imperialism as Practice
Angus Maddison:
C. Imperialism as Practice
Oil and The Class Struggle - Joe Stork
A Fate Worse Than Debt - George
Bread and Guns - Harris
The End of the Third World - Harris
Peasants and Proletarians - Cohen
Imperialism and Underdevelopment - Rhodes, Ed.
Corporate Imperialism - Girvan
Pentagon Capitalism - Melman
Peasant Wars of the 20th Century - Wolf
Development, Crises and Alternative Visions - Sen/Grown
Western Capitalism since the War - Kidron
The New State of the World Atlas - M. Kidron
Industrialization and Development in the Third World - R. Chandra
Transnational Corporations - R. Jenkins
Killing Hope – Blum
Neocolonialism – Vakhrushev
An Introduction to Neo-Colonialism – Woddis
The Meaning of the Second World War - Ernest Mandel
D. Global Capital Vs. Global Labor: Critique of Theories of Imperialism
*'Decadence': The Theory of Decline or The Decline of Theory?, 3 parts - Aufheben Web Site
Empire – Negri
The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism – F. Perlman
Hm, so why no additions of
Hm, so why no additions of texts like Arrighi's The Long Twentieth Century, Gunder Frank, or Samir Amin? Also, I think Neil Smith's text on uneven and combined development would be good to add. two cents. Adding Marx's Volume 2 of Capital would be a good theoretical framework to add as well for understanding extension of markets through the political coercion tied to territorialism and spatial control (the core at decrypting imperialism), which does supplement Arrighi's extended riffs off of Volume 2.