A superb pamphlet from a time when a very high level of class struggle dominated Italian society. Despite their differences - the state, church, fascists, Communist Party and unions were all united in opposition to the the radical social movement. In text and PDF format.

Bologna, 13th March 1977.
Link to PDF of pamphlet.
Published by Red Notes, London, UK, late 1970s
Text version from Class Against Class, lightly edited by libcom.org
Bump, because we have just
Bump, because we have just added formatted text of this pamphlet, as well as the PDF.
Anyone that hasn't read it definitely should!
Page 7 is in the wrong place…
Page 7 is in the wrong place in the pdf version (between pages 3 and 4).
Good spot! That's easy to…
Good spot! That's easy to fix but the PDF is 40megs and the maximum us mere mortals can upload is 32.