Information on and guides to organising and participating in demonstrations, marches, pickets and other similar activities safely and effectively. Copied to clipboard Being Trans and Protesting Guide to public order situations Section 60 advice guide Terrorism Act 2000 guide An activist's guide to basic first aid Book traversal links for Demonstrations guide Demonstrations and law enforcement Up Being Trans and Protesting Printer-friendly version demonstrations Comments
Give up activism An important article from Do or Die issue 9 criticising the activist mentality in the direct action movement.
Day of action for Iranian bus drivers: 15th Feb A demonstration will be held tomorrow evening in support of the arrested Iranian bus drivers who've been striking since the end of last month.
Anti-CPE Movement: Marseille school students demonstration, 8th March 2006 Several thousand school students demonstrate against the CPE in Marseille, March 8th.
Anti-CPE Movement: Besançon, 16th March 2006 Photos of the March 16th 2006 demonstration against the CPE in Besançon.
Anti-CPE Movement: Angers, 18th March 2006 Photos of the March 18th 2006 demonstration against the CPE in Angers. Photos from
Up to 50,000 protesting in Toulouse Contradicting earlier reports of 22,000-33,000 demonstrators in Toulouse, Le Monde is now reports the figure to be up to 50,000.