Workers Solidarity Alliance magazine "ideas & action". Issue # 16 Copied to clipboard - 1991 WSA Convention Report - WSA Round Up - Requiem for Nick Attachments Scan6282.pdf (2.69 MB) ideas & action Comments
Review of 'Capitalism: A Love Story' A review of the Michael Moore documentary, Capitalism: A Love Stoy.
Co-ops or workers' revolution? An article by Tom Wetzel (under a pseudonym) which lays out the limitations of cooperatives as an alternative to capitalism.
Solidarity unicornism and the future of the left: WSA’s may day poster explained A humorous article dealing with the right-wing online media's discovery of a May 1st poster made by…
Thoughts on SolFed’s anarcho-syndicalism for the 21st century and especifismo An article by Klas Batalo on SolFed's views and their similarities to other anarchist currents such…
Coordinadora - Spanish dock workers build union without bureaucrats Article by Don Fitz about the Coordinadora Estatal de Trabajadores del Mar, a Spanish dock workers…
Reaganism isn’t the problem – capitalism is! Text from a leaflet that was distributed at an anti-Reagan rally in New York in March 1982 by the Libertarian Workers Group.