Issue of Anarchy magazine published in February 1967. Copied to clipboard Attachments Anarchy 072.pdf (21.31 MB) Book traversal links for Anarchy #072 Anarchy #071: Education Up Anarchy #073: The Free School Idea Printer-friendly version Mississippi PDF Comments
The Jackson State shootings, 1970 A short account of the shooting of several black students and bystanders by police on the night of May 14/15, 1970.
Not survival only - James Butler Speech given at an event in South London to celebrate the role of marginalised LGBT people in the history of queer liberation movements as part…
1999 PDF archive of issues of SchNEWS from 1999. "Genetically modified crops get trashed, animal rights, freemasons, June 18th '99 international day of action against capitalism, Exodus…
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MESA Educator newspaper This is a collection of newspapers from the Mechanic's Educational Society of America, called The Educator, from 1944-1952