Black Book of the Political Police in Britain

Black Book of the Political Police in Britain cover

Anonymous publication from 1972, which is said to connected in some way to the Stoke Newington 8 Defence Group.

Submitted by Fozzie on March 2, 2025

Content warning: includes accounts of the torture of Irish prisoners by the British state.

A PIG publication.

This pamphlet is an attempt to share what knowledge people have accumulated over the last couple of years of the political police; who they are, how they work, and how they can be beaten.

The facts that we've discovered are not in fact SURPRISING or OUTRAGEOUS. In revolutionary times we expect the counterrevolution to get itself organised. The point for us is that we should KNOW THE ENEMY, BE PREPARED, and ORGANISE to beat them.


  • Introduction

  • Portrait of a Pig
    Introducing Roy Creamer Arch Politico of New Scotland Yard

  • Raids & Raiders
    The very-early-in-the-morning-mob, and other travesties of justice

  • Bugs & Buggers
    The way they keep tabs on us, with a little help from the GPO PLUS... Dynamic new improved methods of surveillance in our homes shortly

  • Factory Spies Ltd
    First it was 'music while you work' now they've installed TV

  • Security Cares
    Capitalism's private police force - protection rackets made legal and even more profitable

  • Demonstrations
    When we (and the S. B.'s) come out on the streets and the busts that follow. Plus the low down on the Snatch Punch & Grab Squad

  • Press and Police
    Reds-under-the-bed scaremongering by our 'free' press, and other unbiased stories

  • Underground
    How Big Brother gags his critics

  • Black Groups
    White-law ain't just in Ireland

  • War in Ireland
    There today, here tomorrow: the war has started, Bogside, Clydeside - we're all on the ANGRY side

  • Things to come
    A step in the right direction; counter insurgency for you and me

  • Rule of Law
    Laws to be saved for a rainy day. The war is a class war-the law is class law

  • a Strategy for Survival
    The point for us is that we should KNOW THE ENEMY, BE PREPARED, & ORGANISE to beat them

