Caribbean Correspondence #2 (1978)

Caribbean Correspondence issue 2 cover

"Caribbean Correspondence" , Subtitled "Workers Control and Self-Management", # 2 July 1978, entitled "Crisis Time"

This issue scanned for by New York/New Jersey Workers Solidarity Alliance archives.

Submitted by syndicalist on July 31, 2016


  • Guyana: Strikes for Food
  • Jamaica: Riots and Crisis
  • St. Kitts - sugar
  • NY Nursing strike
  • Which Way for Blacks? - Aubrey Brown
  • Peter Tosh gives warning
  • Mozambique: Frelimo, African Bureaucrats
  • Does Africa need an ideology? - Jimoh Omo-Fadaka
  • Rastas rounded up
  • Health: West Indians eating to die or live?


Scan5751.pdf (11.72 MB)



4 months 3 weeks ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on November 3, 2024

Good for news on the intense class war then going on in Jamaica; on class struggle in New York, Poland, USSR, etc.

Terribly poor prognosis on class struggle in Africa, claiming that the working class does not exist there; that the emancipation of the working class elucidated in the Manifesto of the communist party is not relevant to that continent.

Just because there is no indigenous African word for class does not mean that class does not exist there. There is no indigenous word for microchip technology, yet microchip technology is prevalent.

The very idea of class did not exist in traditional African society.

The feudal kingdom of Zimbabwe was not a classical (i.e. class based) society?