Tracks the social change experienced during the Industrial Revolution and with it, the creation of a mass working class. Copied to clipboard Attachments Class Struggle and the industrial revolution (10.46 MB) United Kingdom PDF Comments
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 5 #05 (35) May 1964 May 1964 issue of Direct Action, including: scab firm Martell gears up for Post Office strike, decline of UK peace movement, electricy power…
'Don't be a soldier!' The radical anti-war movement in north London 1914-1918 - Ken Weller Ken Weller of Solidarity's excellent and detailed historical account of working…
Strikers' handbook: A claimants' union benefits guide A guide produced by claimants for strikers during the UK miners strike 1984-1985.
The Raven: anarchist quarterly Partial online archive of The Raven, a quarterly anarchist review published by Freedom Press for 43 issues from 1987-2003. Editors included…
Deterritorial Support Group blog Archived copy of the blog of the Deterritorial Support Group, active January-December 2011.