Phoenix Singer on the physical and cultural repression of indigenous Two-Spirit people by Euro-American colonialism. Copied to clipboard Attachments two-spirit identity.pdf (950.33 KB) United States LGBTQ+ (Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Queer +) white supremacy colonialism Phoenix A. Singer PDF Comments
Queens, hookers, and hustlers: Organizing for survival and revolt amongst gender-variant sex workers, 1950-1970 A selection from Mack Friedman’s Strapped for Cash: A History of American Hustler…
1965: Philadelphia Dewey's Restaurant Sit In After Dewey's restaurant began refusing to serve suspected homosexual customers three teenagers staged a sit down protest, possibly the first sit…
1994-5: ACT UP activists resist New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s AIDS policies Account of the year long struggles to save social services and support for AIDs patients from budget…
Refusing to wait: anarchism and intersectionality This essay argues that anarchists can learn from the theory of "intersectionality" that emerged from the feminist movement. Indeed, anarchist…
Appeal on behalf on an oppressed human variety - Kurt Hiller Classic speech against gay oppression written by Kurt Hiller for the Second International Congress…
1977-80: Gay Activists Boycott Orange Juice A rather strange chapter in history, Miami Dade county passed an ordinance banning discrimination against homosexuals in housing or employment,…