To the Combat Leader of the Economic Association

German Revolution

A circular from the KAPD to its military commanders that talks about the preparations for the upcoming insurrection and the necessary guidelines for communication that they must establish. The document can be found in "Berichte über die KAPD, Büro Kölpin, No. 174" in the "State Archives of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Department".

The upcoming action requires that thorough preparations be made, including in economic terms. For this purpose, the combat units of each district will form an intendancy department, which has the following tasks to address:

1. Precise determination of the food supplies available in the district.

2. Likewise for clothing offices and similar entities.

3. Banking institutions and the like.

4. Exact registration of the automobiles available in the district, separated into trucks and passenger cars, as well as all types of vehicles.

The intendancy departments created in this way are to be divided into individual sections, which, with the involvement of individual local groups, are to be composed of untrained personnel who must carry out all preparatory work of this kind. Only if we are able to establish, in this manner, a framework for the intendancy of the Red Army to be formed later will we be in a position to sufficiently supply our combat troops with all necessary food, clothing, equipment, etc., immediately at the start of the action. Particular attention must be paid to the recruitment for the Red Army. To this end, it is necessary to pre-select particularly idealistic comrades from the circle of comrades; these individuals will, at the start of the action, under the leadership of a comrade subordinate to the intendancy, be tasked with the seizure of funds.

Attached are some guidelines that can be utilized by the individual districts as they see fit, as is the case with all guidelines issued by us, which are intended to form the initial foundation for the work to be built up. It remains up to the comrades to work independently in this or that matter until the point when, based on the action, a Red Army built on uniform principles is established.

An absolute and ongoing requirement remains the effective dissemination of mutual information. Only if the national leadership—or, in other words, the main information centers—is able to assess all military matters occurring in Germany and, in turn, issue the relevant directives to the individual districts based on their impact, will this be possible. So far, it must be noted that these connections have not been managed in a way that would be necessary for our good cause.

For this reason, every combat leader of the individual districts is obliged, in this politically charged time, to send us a military-political situation report at least every eight days. If this is done, we will be able to publish a weekly newsletter, distributed to all combat leaders, giving them the opportunity to overview the overall situation, continuously inform their comrades, and enable themselves to make decisions in this or that matter.

So far, we have identified 24 districts in the Reich, with the exception of Bavaria, Mecklenburg, and Upper Silesia. However, to establish a communication network across the Reich by the upcoming Reich Conference of the KO, it is necessary for the combat leaders of the individual districts to immediately submit a sketch marking the local groups or locations they have identified where our trusted representatives are present. If this is done, we will, at the Reich Conference—to which invitations will still be sent—provide a precise detailing of the connections based on the reports received. Finally, it should be pointed out that, despite considerable efforts, we find it very difficult to establish the necessary relationships in the districts we have not yet covered, as both in the Reich and among us, the necessary funds are lacking. So far, all organizational work we have carried out has been funded solely by the Berlin section of the KO, with minor support from comrades in the Vogtland region. Thus, it will also be a matter for the Reich Conference to address this issue. Once again, we urge you to immediately send us the ongoing reports and the mentioned sketches.

The Reich Leadership
