Marcel van der Linden writes on council communism. In PDF format. Copied to clipboard From Class against Class Attachments Council communism.pdf (90.53 KB) council communism Marcel van der Linden PDF Comments
Vision and praxis: A manifesto of non-state and non-market socialism - Jim Davis Two texts which outline the basis of a non-state and non-market socialism. Extremely councilist in…
Marxism in a lost century: a biography of Paul Mattick - Gary Roth Retells the history of the radical left during the twentieth century through the words and deeds of…
Luxemburg versus Lenin - Paul Mattick A comparison of Leninist vanguardism with Luxemburg's more subtle conceptions of working class organisation.
State capitalism and dictatorship (alternate translation) On the limits of state capitalism as a strategy for the ruling class. This article was apparently…
Bordiga versus Pannekoek - Antagonism Introduction to a pamphlet examining how the Italian and Dutch-German communist lefts dealt with the questions of communist organisation, consciousness and class.
From left radicalism to council communism: Anton Pannekoek and German revolutionary Marxism – John Gerber John Gerber on the revolutionary movement in Germany and the involvement of Anton…