Issue 59 of Echanges from Copied to clipboard Attachments echanges-n59_1.pdf (5.69 MB) Book traversal links for Echanges 59 - December 1990 Echanges 58 - February 1989 Up Echanges 60 - March-June 1989 Printer-friendly version Echanges et Mouvement Comments
Goodbye to the Unions! - A Controversy About Autonomous Class Struggle in Great Britain A debate between Dutch Council communist Cajo Brendel and NUM official Dave Douglass about the…
The summer strikes in Poland, 1980 - Echanges et Mouvement A brief article by Echanges et Mouvement on the 1980 strikes in Poland which was sparked when the price of meat was raised by the Communist government.
153 French workers find a way to make themselves heard - Henri Simon (trans. Loren Goldner) The following is the translation of a drastic abridgement/summary of a much longer…