A collection of articles and statements by Frederick Engels regarding the death of Karl Marx. Copied to clipboard Marx was was laid to rest in Highgate Cemetery on Saturday, March 17 1883, in the same grave as his wife, Jenny, buried 15 months earlier. Engels' speech at Marx's graveside Article in Der Sozialdemokrat Another Article in Der Sozialdemokrat Draft of a Speech at The Graveside of Marx Book traversal links for Engels on Marx's Death Engels' speech at Marx's graveside Printer-friendly version Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Comments
At the source of The Critique of Political Economy - Paresh Chattopadhyay Paresh Chattopadhyay's review of a collection of Marx and Engels' notebooks.
Section one. The great illusion: the Russian revolution of 1917 - Claude Bitot First published in 1995 in France: Section One, “The Historical Balance Sheet” includes chapters on:…
Wage-labour and capital - Karl Marx - audiobook Orignally written as a series of newspaper articles in 1847, Wage-Labour and Capital was intended to give a short overview, for popular…
Letters of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 1842-1895 An epub collecting the letters of Marx and Engels from 1842 to 1895. Letters taken from marxists.org.
Neue Rheinische Zeitung A short history of the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung edited by Karl Marx in the 1840s and the role it played in the events of the day.