Follow up on striking firefighters

Submitted by jef costello on January 31, 2007

Five firemen are currently on trial accused of "violence against police agents with the use of or menace of a projectile weapon". There has been a demonstration of support by other firefighters. The clashes occured last November. 30 CRS were reported injured after they attempted to break up a demonstration by striking firefighters. The prosecution has called for custodial sentences for the five men, all of whom deny the charges. The Officers on whose behalf the prosecution has been brought failed to positively identify any of the men on trial as having directly injured them. The CRS commander has admitted that due to the crowd they could not arrest "whoever we wanted".



17 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on February 5, 2007

ooh cheers for the update jef!

Joseph Kay

17 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on February 5, 2007

yeah cheers jef, so presumably france doesn't have the kind of catch-all public order offences we do if they're charging them with specific acts but can't identify individuals?