Issue of Freedom, volume 49, issue 9, with articles about the Iran-Iraq war and more. Copied to clipboard Attachments freedom-49.09.pdf (1.99 MB) Book traversal links for Freedom (September 1988) 1988 Up 1993 Printer-friendly version Freedom Press PDF Comments
The wage system - Peter Kropotkin Anarchist Peter Kropotkin writes about the wage system and communism. This version in English published 1920, as Freedom Pamphlet #1.
The Raven: anarchist quarterly Partial online archive of The Raven, a quarterly anarchist review published by Freedom Press for 43 issues from 1987-2003. Editors included…
100 years of Freedom A collection of writings celebrating the 100th anniversary of Freedom newspaper from 1986. We do not agree with all of the articles but reproduce…
The Raven #31: Anarchism, Economics, Federalism An issue of anarchist journal The Raven, published by Freedom Press in 1995.
The Raven #08: On Revolution An issue of this anarchist journal published by Freedom Press, from October 1989.