A factory by factory account of revolutionary upheaval in France, published by Sojourner Truth Organization. Author Sojourner Truth Organization Copied to clipboard PDF courtesy of Sabine Press. Attachments General-Strike-France-1968.pdf (6.89 MB) PDF France 1968 Comments
The Situationists and May 1968 – Miguel Amorós A brief review of the role played by the situationists, the enragés, and the Council for the Maintenance of the Occupations (CMDO—composed of …
Worker-student action committees, France May '68 - Roger Gregoire and Fredy Perlman An in-depth look at the worker-student action committees in the uprising of France May '68.
Parisian Metallurgists in May 1968 - Michael Seidman Michael Seidman shows how workers acted differently from the way they are usually portrayed in…
L'enragé no. 1 A reprint (in both French and in English translation) of no. 1 of L'Enrage, a satirical journal founded by Jean-Jacques Pauvert and produced in France during the May 68 events. Translated by…
May-June 1968 - A Situation Lacking in Workers' Autonomy Mouvement Communiste's detailed history and analysis of the movement of May-June 1968 in France.
Football to the footballers! - Footballers' Action Committee In the insurgent Paris of 1968 when millions of workers were on strike, the students had occupied…