Copied to clipboard Attachments ATU Tactics Zine v1 Online Espanol.pdf (1.81 MB) ATU Tactics Zine v1 Print Espanol.pdf (1.8 MB) United States housing Chicago Español tenants unions Autonomous Tenants Union community activity PDF Comments
Tools for Building Tenant Power: Tactics Vol #1 Chicago-based Autonomous Tenants Union (ATU) presents a booklet on tactics that can be utilized in a variety of struggles.
Tenants union: Fight your landlord and win A pamphlet on tenant union organizing by Buffalo Class Action, an anarchist political organization based in Buffalo, New York.
1917 Raids on the Socialist Party and the IWW An article in the International Socialist Review from October 1917 about the federal raids on the Socialist Party and the Industrial Workers of…
Spontaneous insurrections: the story of Alicia Jackson's eviction defense Alicia Jackson, long-time Portland, Oregon eviction resister is finally seeing the confrontation…
Citizen Participation vs Class Power: Thoughts on community organizing Ray Valentine talks about the limitations of the community organizing model. This article was first…
The Firebrand / Free Society journal A partial online archive of weekly American anarchist newspaper The Firebrand (which later became Free Society) published from 1895-1904. The…