A short biography of German anarchist Werner Höme, murdered by the Nazis

Werner Höme, an engraver, was a member of the Social Democrat youth organisation and then the Anarchistische Tatgemeinschaft (Anarchist Action Group); this was a Dresden based youth group which produced its own paper Revolutionäre Tat ( Revolutionary Act). Three issues of this paper appeared. The group had 14 members of both sexes and another member was Herbert Wehner, later to be a leading Communist and then Social Democrat.
Höme then joined the FAUD in 1926. From 1931 on he was chairman of the Dresden Syndikalistischen Arbeiter-Föderation (Syndicalist Workers’ Federation) and editor of the newspaper “Der Arbeitslose” (The Unemployed). Höme, together with Herbert Hilse and Oskar Kohl, organised the Dresden FAUD underground. In 1933 he initiated several regional meetings and coordinated the network. The Dresden group produced one issue of an underground paper, Mai-Zeitung (May Newspaper).
From May 1933 on, Höme was held in custody for a considerable period. After his release from Hohnstein concentration camp in February 1934 he arranged for Kreszentia Mühsam, the widow of Erich, to emigrate from Germany. With Herbert Hilse, Käthe Jünger and Ernst Schmidt he succeeded in getting Erich Mühsam’s literary estate to safety in Prague. Arrested again in June 1937, Werner Höme was murdered in the same month while in detention awaiting trial.
Adapted by Nick Heath from
With additional information at www.nrw.vvn-bda.de/texte/0263_anarchist.htm