June 1921, Vol. 1, No. 5, Serial No. 5 issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

-George Hardy's report to the convention
-Notice to branches
-Flashlights on labor and revolution: an interview with Jack Tanner
-Proud of our class by Covington Ami
-In union there is strength
-A rallying call to all IWW members
-Open the shops and factories by Mary E. Marcy
-The Irish labor movement by Thomas J. O'Flaherty
-Scenes from a rank-and-file convention
-Siberian reminiscences by Capt. L.M. Beilin, M.D.
-Spring and hope by Violet Kaminsky
-A convention of the union of union officials: reported and illustrated by our special correspondent I. Shothemup
-Unemployment and the way out by Jan Rus
-Organize! by G. Mills
-A heart to heart talk with railway workers
-On the south side by Jan Rus
-The ownerless slaves by Lestor
-"Go find a master": a fairy tale for working girls by A Rebel Girl
-The truth
-"High spots" of the thirteenth IWW convention compiled by Roy Brown
-The question box
-The premier's dilemma by Francis Davis
-Special notice to branch secretaries and delegates
-Defense news by Geo. Williams
-Special notice to those who have loaned cash and liberty bonds to the bail and bond fund
-Book review by S.P.
-What our readers say about the Industrial Pioneer