May 1921, Vol. 1, No. 4, Serial No. 4 issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

-First of May, 1921
-Supreme Court denies petition of IWW prisoners
-The son of man (Dedicated to all class-war prisoners confined in American jails and penitentiaries)
-The truce in England by Francis Davis
-All aboard for "normalcy"!
-George Hardy on the IWW (Letter written by George Hardy and sent by him from Russia to the Danish syndicalist paper Solidaritet, published in Copenhagen)
-Capital and labor by John O'Hara
-May Day, 1921 by J.S.W.M.
-The thirteenth convention of the IWW
-Secretary Davis urges "A fair deal for capital"
-The striker by Robert Whitaker
-How the IWW is organized by James Kennedy
-The W.W.I. by John Banks
-Mexico: its government and labor movement by W.J. Lemon
-Bow of promise by Julia C. Coons
-"Dust" on Mexico
-The economics of a patriot by Jacob Sherman
-The question box
-Prelude to propaganda by S.P.
-The majority: a one act play by Ernest Riebe
-To the labor organizations of the world! Boycott all goods made in Spain! by the Executive Committee of the Freie Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands (Syndicalists)
-The story of the sea by Tom Barker
-John Bull, the sacred cow and the golden calf by J.A. Loeb
-The international situation by H. Van Dorn
-Revolution: a creative process, a book review by S.P.
-General defense news by John Martin
-The river by Julia C. Coons
-Wasteful methods of distributing city milk by the IWW Bureau of Industrial Research
-A criticism by Card No. 473009
-What our readers say about the Industrial Pioneer
I read this years ago, but
I read this years ago, but just looked at it again: "-George Hardy on the IWW (Letter written by George Hardy and sent by him from Russia to the Danish syndicalist paper Solidaritet, published in Copenhagen)" ...... Hardy became a CPer, but his comments on the differences between the IWW and syndicalist unions are reflective of a certain grain of thought.
Pure bolshevik bunk, yet revealing in some ways of how some of the marxian socialists (both bolsheviks and non) structurally viewed the IWW
What transpired at the IWW 1913 Convention between "centralizers" and "decentralizers"?
I found this interesting, as there was a conversation (here?) about the IWW and WWI.
Hardy wrote:
On paper the IWW took a position, but is he implying they did more than that? Hard to say.