The July 26, 1930 (Vol. XII, No. 30, Whole No. 710) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Contents include:
-Organization struggle on in harvest
-Plain words of Britt Smith on the Communists
-Prison made twine to bind wheat
-John MacDonald comes back to tell his story
-Auto mechanics and teamsters strike in Butte
-Editorial: The intellectual squid
-Baxter's Buckshots
-State police club and beat Flint strikers by Claude Erwin
-Women and girls do farm labor while men do housework
-Railroad bull takes property of card member
-An analysis of graft
-Wages 'jippoed' down to 'normal' in copper belt
-Job news
This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.
Industrial Worker (July 26, 1930).pdf
(5.19 MB)