Karl Marx: A Biography (1977) P. N. Fedoseyev Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Reproduced for reference. Copied to clipboard Attachments 1977_Karl Marx_A Biography_PN_Fedoseyev.pdf (7.88 MB) 1977_Karl Marx_A Biography_PN-Fedoseyev.docx (2.06 MB) Karl Marx biographies P. N. Fedoseyev Comments
Marx: The Man and His Message (1910) Keir Hardie Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Keir Hardie founded, served as MP and led both the Independent Labour Party in 1893 and the…
The Life and Teaching of Karl Marx (1925) M. Beer Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Max Beer was a member of the German Communist Party. We reproduce this text for reference.
Karl Marx: A Brief Biographical Sketch (1914) Vladimir Lenin Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Text reproduced here for reference.
Karl Marx: His Life and Work (1910) John Spargo Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. John Spargo was a founding member, intellectual and editor of the Socialist Party of America in…
The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx (2012) Alex Callinicos Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Reproduced for reference. Alex Callinicos is the…
Marx Without Myth (1975) Maximilien Rubel Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Reproduced for reference.