Leftism in the Role of Metamorphosed Councilism

The movement for the abolition of wage labour is a leftist undertaking that wants to pretend that it presents a new initiative. It claims to derive its ideas directly from Marx. It does not believe in Marxism and views it as Engels’ invention, and it deems its narrative to be pure Marxian.

Submitted by @internationslist on February 20, 2024

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Marxian or Marxism?
• Failure to Adhere to the Basic Principles
• Anti-Capitalist or Leftist?
• The Rise of the Proletariat as a Social Class
• The Concept of the Decline of Capitalism
• The Marxist Concept of Anti-Imperialist Struggle
• Bourgeois Revolution or Proletarian Revolution?
• The Principles of Marxists
• Distortion of Engels or Distortion of Marxism?
• The 1840s Was the Decade of the Emergence of the Working Class
• The Experience of 1848 and the Horizon of the Proletarian Revolution
• Marxism Against Schapperism
• Marx and Universal Suffrage
• Marx and the Paris Commune
• The Evolution of Capitalism and Labour Unions
• Entryism in the Movement for the Abolition of Wage Labour
• A Well-Known Labour Figure or the Translator of Leader Capital
• The Anti-Capitalist Organization
• Labour Councils or Caricatures Called Councils
• Marx’s Irresponsibility?
• Faking Class Battles in the Style of Stalinism
• History Writing in the Style of Stalinism
• Social Democracy, the Murderer of the German Revolution
• Rosa Luxemburg and Misleading Workers
• The Nationalism of the Movement for the Abolition of Wage Labour
• The Marxist Concept of Exploitation
• The Communist Left, the Only Horizon
• Basic Positions:

