Manifesto to the Bulgarian Workers

Bulgarian Communist Workers' Party

Manifesto from the Council Communist BRKP where they present their views to the Bulgarian Workers.

Submitted by Indo_Ansh on October 22, 2024

Fellow workers,

In the March days of 1917 the Russian proletariat crushed with a crushing blow the centuries-old bloody monarchism of Tsarist Russia. Before the November days of the collapsing dynasty, the Russian proletariat overthrew the class domination of the Russian bourgeoisie. These feats, unparalleled in the history of mankind, instilled in the hearts of the world proletariat an unquenchable thirst for liberation from the abominable and crooked dictatorship of the world bourgeoisie. The breakthrough made on the front of imperialism and the revolutionary impulses of the universal proletariat have shaken the old rotten world to its foundations.

The proletarian revolutionary struggles in Russia, central and eastern Europe forced the predators, under fear of being crushed, to end the war without bringing it to its logical conclusion, concluding a rotten peace that satisfied no one. The entry of the proletariat into the era of the open civil war of the classes, forced the bourgeoisie to liquidate the imperialist war in order to take its strategic positions against the proletariat. These positions were undermined and the old world was bound to collapse inevitably. The Second International lived out the days of bourgeois domination.

The world balance is disturbed. There is unimaginable chaos in international economic and political relations. The agreement destroyed militarism and with it the war industry in the defeated countries, especially in Germany. The German bourgeoisie, with the complicity of the Socialist traitors, harnessed, through unheard-of exploitation and oppression, the vast proletarian masses to an intense industrial activity. The low German currency has opened the frontiers, which are so shadowy in the domestic market of the victorious countries, to the goods of German industry. What the German bayonets could not do, the inhuman exploitation of workers' labour did. The high currency of the victorious countries tarnished the glory of their victorious arms. Their commodities could not be marketed, industrial establishments closed down and huge masses of unemployed were thrown into the streets. The ruthless exploitation of the starving in the defeated, the mass starvation of the unemployed in the victorious, are gathering proletarian revolutionary energy which will inevitably burst into revolutionary storms. Only the proletarian dictatorship will abolish the capitalist counter-currents.

Fellow workers,

For five years now the bourgeois world has been in death agony, and the proletariat has not decided to abolish it once and for all. On the contrary: great masses of proletarians, organized in the Second, Two-and-a-Half and Third Moscow Internationals, are collaborating in the bourgeoisie's work — to burn themselves.

The unprecedented sufferings which the proletariat has experienced since the outbreak of the universal carnage are insufficient for its liberation. The slave psychology instilled by the capitalist dictatorship, the poisoned — with the delusions of the bourgeois ideology — cognition is a barrier on the path of revolutionary communism. Above all, this barrier had to be broken down — liquidated with all the prejudices of the workers' movement up to 1921. One of these predispositions is parliamentarism, which commits the proletariat to the stability, government and defence of the bourgeois state.

Another prejudice is the legalism that paralyses his revolutionary will, with petty-bourgeois passivism falsifying its tactics. A third prejudice is syndicalism, through which a self-empowering bureaucracy — cowardly, corrupt and treasonous — is nurtured. The fourth antecedent is the cult of the "tested leaders." The leaders of the Moscow International betrayed the proletariat, as did the leaders of the Second International - the latter betrayed in the rear, the former in the firing line, in the midst of the class struggle. The nature of the leaders of the Moscow International is the same as that of the leaders of the second international — intelligent, opportunist, ready to compromise, in a word — radical. These leaders are alien to the class instinct of the proletariat, and they are today making a right turn to capitalism. The Moscow International, through the Russian secular power, speaks of alliance with the fiercest imperialist predators of England, France and America, and in its national sections it is undertaking a hack against the revolutionary proletariat.

The counter-revolutionary work of the Third International has opened the eyes of the most conscious proletarians in all countries, and they are taking up the work of the revolution in their own hands, rejecting all collaboration with the radical bourgeois intelligentsia, with the petty bourgeoisie, with the elements of the middle and intermediate classes, and are forming their own Communist Workers' Parties and their own Communist Workers' International.

Fellow workers,

It took us a year and a half to ideologically define ourselves as revolutionary left communists in Bulgaria. At the conference convened this year in Sliven we established the Bulgarian Communist Workers' Party — the only revolutionary organization in our country. The conscious revolutionary-worker will gladly meet this brave work, full of responsibilities, without being frightened by the despair and despondency into which the working masses have fallen as a result of the treachery and betrayal of their leaders. With the growth of revolutionary consciousness and the organization of the proletariat, the revolution is moving from the dead point towards the bright future of communism.

The Bulgarian Communist Workers' Party is not a general party of the broad petty-bourgeois square; it has no place for the radical bourgeois intelligentsia; it is a purely proletarian organization — a productive one. Its aim is the working communist society. Bulgarian Communist Workers' Party will realise its aim through a ruthless proletarian dictatorship, by withdrawing collaboration with the petty bourgeoisie, which is only a destructive, pogrom-making and bandit-like factor in the revolution. The petty bourgeoisie expects from the revolution not communism, but an increase in its petty property — it is in the revolution a bridge for the radical bourgeois intelligentsia, to get to power, to take over the workers' worlds in the shrines of the petty bourgeoisie, to implant bureaucratism, to sabotage communism, to take over private property and capitalism. Russia has given us a scathing historical experience of the role of the petty bourgeoisie — the so-called poor.

The BRKP stands for revolutionary morality. It rejects religious prejudices, speculative rites, bourgeois moral obligations and "legal" relations. It also rejects narrow legalism and pacifism reduced to "non-resistance to evil" sweetened with "great moral victories".

Fellow workers,

The international proletariat is still in the hands of the bourgeoisie, but it has the strength to shake itself out of these bloody hands, if it frees itself from its prejudices before the imperialist carnage. It is still in the dead forms of organising and bows down to bourgeois democratism, an invention of the bourgeois radical intellectuals, but the proud revolutionary consciousness is already breaking through. The Bulgarian revolutionary proletariat has created the basis of its Communist Workers' Party — its own leader. The idea of a common mass workers' organisation within production is maturing every day, and in a short time this idea will be put into action - the creation of the revolutionary General Workers' Union.

Fellow workers,

A year and a half ago, when "Iskra" — the organ of living proletarian thought — shone for the first time, the intruding and patented leaders — the false communists, vilely and slanderously tried to extinguish it and thereby to extinguish the proletarian consciousness, but they did not succeed. This "Iskra", which they called the "Iskra" of the beheaded and anarchist heads, flamed up in the proletarian consciousness and today, as the "Rabotnitcheska Iskra", is the only communist torch which lights the path of the proletarian revolution. The wretched luminaries there: the Blagoevites, the Kabakchievites, the Kolarovites, are failing in the abyss which history has opened for the traitors and the apostates. Today in their heads is a harrowing and festering anarchy.

Forward comrades in the name of communism, of an organized and conscious struggle against rotten capitalism, under the banner unfurled and raised by your own shoulders, under the leadership of BRK Party and Workers' International.

Long live the Bulgarian Communist Workers' Party!
Long live the Communist Workers' International!
Long live the Revolutionary Proletariat!
Down with the traitors and apostates of the Proletarian Revolution!

From the CEC of the BRKP


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