Martinez Marin, Enrique 'Quique', 1927-1949

Marin, Enrique Martinez 'Quique'

Brief biographical information about Spanish anarchist and anti-Franco guerrilla movement fighter Enrique Martinez Marin, 'Quique'.

Submitted by Steven. on September 21, 2004

Enrique Martinez Marin
Nicknamed 'Quique', born 14 April 1927 - Barcelona, Spain, died 26 August 1949 - Spanish border with France

Enrique Martinez Marin, or 'Quique', was born in Barcelona on the 14th April 1927.

He belonged to the Young Libertarians of Carmelo and was the delegate for this neighbourhood to the local section of the anarchist Federation of Libertarian Youth (FIJL) which had fought in the Spanish Civil War and played an important role in the resistance to Franco after the fascist victory.

He was arrested on the 8th August 1947 but was released on the 25th March 1948. He died on the 26th August 1949 in a Guardia Civil ambush on the French frontier. He was buried in the cemetery of Espolla (Gerona). He was 22.

Edited by libcom from the pamphlet The Anarchist Resistance to Franco - Biographical notes, by Antonio Tellez. £2, published by the Kate Sharpley Library


Kate Sharpley

2 years 8 months ago

Submitted by Kate Sharpley on July 10, 2022

I think you have fallen vicitim to an OCR typo. 'Mann' should be 'Marin', so his surnames are Martinez Marin. The comrades at 'Los de la sierra' have a photo, too:

Submitted by Steven. on July 11, 2022

Kate Sharpley wrote: I think you have fallen vicitim to an OCR typo. 'Mann' should be 'Marin', so his surnames are Martinez Marin. The comrades at 'Los de la sierra' have a photo, too:


Red Marriott

2 years 8 months ago

Submitted by Red Marriott on July 12, 2022

Headline says he lived 1927-47. But last para says he died in 1948 at age 22?