On Friday, around 125 hospital tech staff in the Cape Breton district called in sick.

Radiological and laboratory staff at around five hospitals in the district had been threatening industrial action over wages, and followed this up with the sick-in on Friday, successfully disrupting blood work, X-rays and ultrasounds.
More than 125 hospital workers in Cape Breton called in sick Friday, forcing health officials to cancel some lab work and surgeries.
Later on Friday, the health authority applied to the Nova Scotia Labour Relations Board for a cease and desist order, claiming the sick calls amounted to an illegal work stoppage.
The technologists are members of the Canadian Auto Workers union. The union recently ratified a collective agreement giving workers a 15 per cent wage increase over three years, however members of Local 4600 said their wage claims were ignored, whilst the health authority refused to negotiate with them outside the contract.
libcom.org's guide to sick-ins