By the musicians of the Swedish Council Communist group Folkmakt, this text outlines the need for a new music scene. Originally published in "Folkmakt, No. 8".

The left in Sweden today is small, while at the same time there is greater fertile ground than for a long time for a revolutionary socialist movement in our country. What is required above all is that we reach out, that we make our message and our movement attractive to people. That is the main reason why we started the Folkmakt magazine just over a year ago. A way to encourage revolutionary class struggle, a broadening of the left field, a way to put council socialism back on the political map. But as an isolated phenomenon, another left-wing newspaper is of course just a drop in the ocean. New paths must be sought and old abandoned ones must be tried again. We can learn a lot from our history, and one of the most important achievements of the 1970s left was the establishment of the progressive music movement as a forum for propaganda and as a socialist alternative to the capitalist music industry. Through a series of independent record labels, its own distribution network and a large number of non-commercial venues, the left succeeded in spreading a revolutionary socialist message that in some cases reached the top of the charts and engaged a very large group of people as musicians, as members of music associations or as consumers. Today, there are hardly any remnants of this music movement, but the fact that it did not survive does not mean that it was not important and necessary for the socialist movement of its time.
A new spark was lit after a few years with punk. Oases, Ultrahus and Vita hus popped up because there was a very great need for them, while a lot of bands started to play, bands with lyrics about real life as it appears to the vast majority of us outside the protected areas of the upper class. Now even that fire has long been extinguished and it is time to start again, to establish a new music movement to re-create a culture that is our own, that is a counter-culture, that is a culture that turns against capitalism and the current social system to point instead to an alternative - the socialist revolution and communist society.
That's why we started the Stella Rossa Musik record label. Of course, we cannot start a huge music movement with our small means, but we can hopefully act as a spark by releasing records with revolutionary bands and we can later serve as part of a future socialist music movement.
We who started Stella Rossa are active in Folkmakt, but we do not intend this to be an internal matter for our organization but strive to capture bands with a revolutionary and class-conscious message, regardless of which party they pay membership fees to or where they are active. Our first album will be the follow-up to EAK's debut album Klass Mot Klass, which came out last spring. The new album is called Stolt and will be released in March.
We hope and believe that this will be the beginning of something big. So grab your instruments comrades!
Board of Directors of Stella Rossa Musik