The Vol. 1, No. 5-6 (February-March 1946) issue of New Trends, an anarchist publication produced out of New York City from September 1945 until August 1946.

Contents include:
-New tactics for labor by Sidney Morrison (a.k.a. Sidney Solomon)
C.N.T. at home and in exile
-A slight change which requires an explanation
-Full steam ahead to World War III
-President Truman in conflict with "people's representatives"
-Military implications?
-French official labor against strikers
-Where are the mature?
-Death stalks the coal fields
-Shadows in "free" Russia by Joseph Harap
-The political problems of Spain
-In favor of collaboration (Reprinted from Solidaridad Obrera, Mexico City, December 8, 1945)
-Unite for the defense of Spain (Reprinted from Solidaridad Obrera, Mexico City, November 24, 1945)
-Youth and the terror (Reprinted from Solidaridad Obrera, Mexico City, December 8, 1945)
-An inescapable dilemma by Jose Viadiu
-Opposed to collaboration (reprinted from Cultura Obrera, New York)
-Spain-in-exile: its background by Gabriel Javsicas
-Accident or murder? by John Nicholas Beffel
-Ivory tower or market place? by J.S. White (a.k.a. Jack Schlesinger)
-Anarcho-syndicalism moves forward in France
-Tresca 'clues' on page 1 by Eric Duane
-Comments on contemporaries
This issue scanned for by New York/New Jersey Workers Solidarity Alliance archives.