A short biography of Dimitar Panov, anarchist and literary critic

Born in the Razgrad district in north eastern Bulgaria in 1906, Dimitar Panov joined the anarchist movement at an early age. As a student at Sofia, he contributed on a regular basis to the paper Thought and Will, an anarchist weekly literary review which ran from 1930 to 1935.As a literary critic, his articles were very much remarked upon.
Whilst still young he published a large volume on aesthetics, which due to the originality of its ideas, was unique in Bulgarian literature.
He edited the paper Rabotnitcheski Glas (Worker’s Voice) in Sofia from July 1929 to June 1930. In reality, this newspaper replaced Rabotnitcheska Missal (Worker’s Thought) the paper of the Anarchist Communist Federation of Bulgaria (FACB), which had been banned in 1923. It came out every week for 49 issues.
He fell from a train in a tunnel near Sofia in 1948, in mysterious circumstances, and it was widely believed in Bulgarian anarchist circles that he had been murdered by the Stalinist security services.
Nick Heath
Balkanski, G. Histoire Du Mouvement Libertaire en Bulgarie (esquisse)