One of Slavoj Žižek's major works on political ontology, complete with trademark crude jokes. Copied to clipboard Attachments Zizek-The Parallax View.pdf (5.36 MB) philosophy Slavoj Žižek PDF Comments
Welcome to the desert of the Real - Slavoj Žižek The philosopher-psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek’s take on the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, including his trademark references to popular…
Fantasies - Noam Chomsky In an ongoing dispute, Chomsky responds to Zizek claiming that he didn't "know a guy who was so often empirically wrong" as Chomsky, and in…
In the cauldron of the negative - Jean-Marc Mandosio A critique of the Situationist International, emphasizing the divergent trajectories of Guy Debord and Raoul Vaneigem, focusing on the role of…
Value and animals: A reply to "Towards a Marxist Animalism" A short comment upon a proposed re-working of Marx's value theory to include non-humans, arguing…
Proudhonist materialism and revolutionary doctrine - Stephen Condit Few historians of ideas have questioned Proudhon’s impact in his own time. Yet his affinities with…
Critical Theory and Society: A Reader Collection of writings from people associated with the University of Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, or the Frankfurt School