Politics (July-August 1947)

This issue of politics is devoted entire to French political thought, with contributions from notable figures such as Georges Bataille, Simone de Beavoir, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

Submitted by Ross Arctor on June 3, 2017

Cover (pag. 129)
Michaux, Henri. Voice (pag. 130)
Caffi, Andrea (European). French political writing. The french condition (pagg. 130-134)
de Beauvoir, Simone. French political writing. Eye for eye (pagg. 134-140)
Camus, Albert. French political writing. Neither victims nor executioners (pagg. 141-147)
Bataille, Georges. French political writing. On Hiroshima (pagg. 147-150)
Rousset, David. French political writing. The days of our death (pagg. 151-157)
Rousset, David. French political writing. The Dotkins-Hessel-Pool affair (pagg. 157-158)
Palle, Albert. French political writing. The Petiot case (pagg. 159-161)
Sartre, Jean-Paul. French political writing. Materialism and revolution (pagg. 161-172)
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. French political writing. Marxism and Philosophy (pagg. 173-175)
Contributors (pag. 176)

