Popular Councils are the path to the victory of the Revolution

Arab Spring

Very short text by the Iraqi Council Theorist Fouad Mohammed Mahmoud, written during the Arab Spring, calling for Popular Councils. Originally published in "Al-Hewar Al-Mutamadin, Issue 3257, 25th January 2011".

Submitted by Indo_Ansh on November 22, 2024

Popular Councils are the path to the victory of the revolution.

Greetings to the struggle.

The uprising is going through a fateful stage, a stage of choosing between two paths.

The first is the formation of a new government that does not differ from the previous one except in terms of people and formal and traditional things, i.e. going around in a vicious circle.

All peoples know that governments are the source of injustice and evil, and they and their agencies are nothing more than unproductive parasites who appropriate public money through salaries, privileges, bribes, thefts, injustice and force.

They are the ones who keep the classes, poverty, unemployment, and wage labor, and seize the surplus profits to distribute them to their parasitic, oppressive apparatus.

Let's look at history and see what we see after humanity left the commons.

Spartacus and his fellow slaves were killed and crucified by the government, as was Jesus Christ.

And everyone knows what the Umayyad, Abbasid, Ottoman, colonial, national and nationalist governments did.

The governments protected the bourgeoisie and their money and exploitation of workers and peasants.

As for the second way, the Popular Councils, they do not need a parasitic or oppressive government, in which classes, unemployment, poverty, labor, wages, private property, and the needs of all are realized, and greed, lies, deception, greed, laziness, and envy will disappear.

Does bread need a government to be distributed or any other need?

Democratic People's Councils are able to run things without a government, parliament, police or army.

Democratic People's Assemblies will subject production and distribution to the collective supervision of the community.

It will create a new society based on self-management by the producers themselves, and the maker of this history is the masses, not great men, states, parties, or the army and police.

Long live the Revolution.

Long live the democratic Popular Council.

Long live the democratic Popular Unity.
