A proposal for continuing Karl Marx’s critique of political economy Author Pradip Baksi Copied to clipboard Attachments A proposal for continuing Karl Marx's critique of political economy, 21 September 2022.pdf (384.49 KB) Karl Marx Marxism Comments An article to encourage to… An article to encourage to learn from history
On some aspects of the dialectic of labour in the Critique of Political Economy Chattopadhyay's discussion on the nature of labour in capitalist society and comments on Marx's The…
Karl Marx and the Paris Commune - CLR James CLR James on Marx, the Commune and their relevance for workers in the US.
Karl Marx - Critique of the Gotha Program Marx's critique of social-democracy and exposition on the dictatorship by the proletariat.
Marx, theoretician of anarchism - Maximilien Rubel Maximilien Rubel's 1973 article highlighting the libertarian elements within Marx's work and its importance to anarchism, regardless of Marx's…
Karl Marx on alienated labour An extract from Marx's 1844 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts on the process of alienation of the worker from their work.
The Bakunin-Marx split in the 1st International - Franz Mehring Excerpts from Mehring's Karl Marx - The Story of His Life (1918) on the conflict between Bakunin and…
An article to encourage to…
An article to encourage to learn from history